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Sunday 30 June 2024

Corrie Cast Chat: Meet Betsy Swain!

Last week, Corrie introduced another new character into Joel's (ever increasingly weird) world of teenage girls. Credited as 'Sabrina's Mate' this feisty blonde set out to blackmail the slimy solicitor, after seeing him flirt with her friend. It didn't take long for Corrie's X sleuths to guess that 'Sabrina's mate' is actually Betsy Swain, daughter of D.S Lisa Swain. Making her acting debut via the biggest soap on British television, I was honoured to be at last week's Coronation Street press event, at ITV Studios, which introduced the (youthful-looking) 22-year-old actress Sydney Martin (who plays Betsy) to the soap media. 

Hi Sydney! Welcome to Coronation Street...

How did the role of Betsy come about and what was the process? 

"Initially, in January of this year, I went for two smaller roles for a couple of episodes, which was great to be seen by Coronation Street, but I didn't get them. It was good to make it through twice. Two weeks later, they asked if I wanted to audition for a series regular! I was like "Yeah, that would be great!" I got the audition through for Betsy in February, it was a two-month process, and it was quite a long process! I did a read-through with Vicky (Myers, D.S Swain), and two screen tests, taking it as a good experience. I didn't expect to get it! I was doing 6 nights a week at Tesco so it was quite the career change!"

You are 22 years old in real life but play a teenager. Do you think that's the best way, rather than coming into such a huge show as a teenage actress? 

"Yeah, this is my first role and hats off to any of the younger cast who do it because it is daunting! With such a big family atmosphere and coming in as a new person, everyone has welcomed me with open arms but it is, especially when it's your first TV thing. To come in on the Lauren storyline which is such an important massive storyline, and to understand it more, as I'm a lot older, it's dealing with serious topics, which has been nice"

Is 16-year-old Betsy anything like 16-year-old Sydney? 

"Absolutely not! - she's different to me, but I love it as she's my alter ego. I would have loved to have been like her at that age -she's so confident. It's nice to do it and so fun to replay your teenage years but in different shoes! She's the complete opposite of me!"

What were you told about Betsy - how would you describe her? 

"I had a big description through when I first got it, just that she's feisty, cocky, and a smart cookie. She's intelligent, like her Mum, streetwise, and has had to fend for herself. They are working through their grief together. I've been playing with these personality traits. In the next few weeks, we will see a few different sides to her. I've watched a lot of scenes that Vicky has done and based her on Swain! I wanted to channel her into Betsy."

We've already seen Betsy blackmail Joel, and she's about to blackmail Carla. For someone raised by two female detectives, why does she seem to have some contempt for the law? 

"She lost her other Mum whilst she was on duty, so has a bit of disrespect for the career, which causes some tension in their relationship, but also a sense of "Mummy can get me out of it" (if she gets in trouble) She plays with that a bit and has a sense of naivety in thinking her Mum would just get her out of trouble!"

How are you getting on with Vicky? 

"I've been here two months now. We have the best dressing room chats: we talk about anything and everything! In another universe, we were definitely mother and daughter. We are so similar, and Vicky got me flowers on my first day, she just made me feel so appreciated and welcome! To have the mother figure, to have someone, has been really brilliant!

Thank you, Sydney!    


On the hottest day of the year thus far, I spent last Monday at ITV studios in Salford, meeting a few more Corrie cast members, had a stroll on the Street set, AND saw DS Swain in the flesh, which made this an extraordinary Corrie day out for yours truly

Keep your eyes peeled for more cast interviews to come. I'm armed with spoilers, and having seen a preview of next week's episodes, I can tell you you're in for a treat! A scorching day of summer spoilers!

I am @rybazoxo on X 


Anonymous said...

Well done for getting the job but I’ve had enough of mardy arsed teenagers on Corrie.

Anonymous said...

After reading that Sally Anne Matthews[Jenny]is no longer being featured in episodes due to budget cuts,I wonder how can the producers bring in more characters [and another teenager?] now?
How long is the Joel storyline going to drag on for?

Anonymous said...

If DS Swain wasn't bad enough, her daughter is even more obnoxious.


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