Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Thursday 6 June 2024

Women of Weatherfield - Jane Hazelgrove


Bernie is going through tremendous heartache as Paul battles his illness, how helpless does she feel right now and how tough is that to play?

Bernie does feel totally helpless. It’s extremely tough to play, but we get to take these characters off and are fortunate to only be acting it rather than living with this horrible disease. It’s of course upsetting to film, but we all look out for each other and I’m surrounded with people who have a terrific sense of humour. 

We’ve also seen the arrival of the secret son Kit she gave up for adoption, how much guilt is Bernie carrying over this?

Bernie is carrying huge guilt over Kit. She’s managed to bury this guilt for years but deep down, she’s never stopped thinking about him and his well being. 

Kit doesn’t seem to want the reconciliation Bernie was hoping for, in time is she hoping they can repair their relationship?

I believe Bernie would love to begin building a relationship with Kit and try to fix all of her wrongs. Unfortunately Bernie has to accept that he’s furious with her, and with good reason, so she must realise that a reconciliation might not be what he wants. She has always imagined what he would be like but I think she perhaps realises that he’s not as decent as she had hoped he would be so she also now needs to face the reality of what and who he is rather than the imagined son she’s always kept in her head and heart for all of these years. 

How worried is she that Kit could damage her relationship with Gemma and Paul, possibly taking away from her last few months with Paul?

Bernie definitely realises that this is now a possibility which isn’t ideal given the horrible circumstances with Paul’s illness and the timing is of course not great. Bernie knows she’s got to play the hand she’s now been dealt with the best she can and try to make amends. She also doesn’t want to hurt the kids anymore than they already have been! 
Bernie is so much more than the mouthy, useless mum figure that arrived, do you love finding all the different sides to her character?

Yes, I think Bernie has grown considerably over the years. Learning that Kel had abused Paul was the turning point for her realisation that life isn’t all giggles. Like every single person, she is very complex and will remain a work-in-progress, but anything is possible with Bernadine!  

What is it about Bernie that you love to play? As an actress is she a bit of a gift?

I’ve absolutely made sure she’s fun to play. I love that she’s always in the moment and responds to things without any emotional filter. She says what she thinks and boy have the writers given me some brilliant lines to play! In the tradition of all of those strong Corrie women that have gone before, it’s the tension between strength and weakness that makes Bernie so brilliant, certainly to play, and hopefully to watch. 

You’ve worked on lots of other huge dramas before Coronation Street, what is it that’s so special about the street?

Definitely being part of such a much loved and historical show. I have an enormous amount of pride about working on Coronation Street as a Northern woman. Getting to play Bernie is one of the highlights of my career. 

As a woman how important is it to you that Corrie keep creating these powerhouse, iconic female characters?

It’s essential for Corrie to keep creating these characters because as far as I’m concerned all women are powerful and iconic so it’s great to continue to represent that. We are following some absolutely brilliant characters and performances, which is an honour and a privilege to do so.  

Glenda Young
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