Meanwhile, Carla’s nose was put out of joint when the Connor clan reunited as Helen and Barry flew in from Ireland. Helen and Barry are the ma and pa to Michelle and Liam, flown in specially for the wedding of their younger son while dishing out the vitriol to the widow of their other. No, there’s no love lost between Helen and Carla and Carla’s, like, “well I don’t care”, and “I never want to be a part of that family anyway” but you can tell she just, so, does. Helen and Barry look familiar, the sort of actor and actress you’ve seen on TV a few times before but you can’t place them right now, but that’s by-the-by. Audrey offered to

However, with Michelle’s mum and dad on the scene, this means that Michelle can’t tell them that Ryan’s not their real grandson. Now then, I’m no fan of this storyline but I appreciate that others might be, and so here we go. Michelle offered Ryan the chance to meet up with his real mam and dad but Ryan’s happy as he is and said he doesn’t want to know. But was Michelle happy to stay schtum about being someone else’s real mum? No, she’s flippin’ well not. She accosted young Alex after school, thrust her phone number on him and secreted him away in the back room of the pub when he came to find out just what the ‘eck’s going on. Steve wasn’t impressed by Michelle’s behaviour and do you know what, laydees and gentlemen? I’m not either.
Now then, I like Becky Grainger. I think she’s one of the best things on the Street and she lights up the screen when she’s on. She’s as rough as a badger and I think Corrie missed a trick by not casting her as the younger sister to the wonderful, but no longer seen, Yana Lumb. Becky got lucky with Jason this week and after getting him drunk when she caught him in a bad mood after a phone fight with Sarah, the two of them ended up in bed at Eileen’s. Next morning, Eileen was shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
There was Becky, brazen as brass sitting at Eileen’s breakfast table, smoking a fag and wearing Eileen’s dressing gown. But Eileen wasn’t as shocked as Audrey who spotted her grand-daughter’s new husband snogging Becky from the caff by the welcome mat first thing in the morning.
And Audrey wasn’t as shocked as Gail was when she found out the news. And then, oh, then, a wonderful fight ensued on the cobbles as Gail and Eileen tore into each other verbally over Jason being unfaithful to Sarah. It took fat Jerry the kebab man to separate the two women and he led Gail into her house and out of harm’s way after Eileen called her “Janette
Krankie”. Eileen took out her revenge on Gail’s hanging basket, smashing it to the ground. Oh, you should have seen what she did to those winter flowering pansies. When Jason came to his senses (aka sobered up) he took a guilt trip to Italy to see his Sarah. Back at the café, Becky was loved up and had fallen head over heels for Jase. She tarted herself up and bought a new top, the sort with no back, hardly any front and two tiny straps. “What do you think?” she asked Roy as she held the top against her chest in the caff. “Two poached eggs on toast,” said Roy, with his mind on bacon butties, not breasts. “Blimey Roy, where do you keep the rest of the Pussycat Dolls?” asked Fiz in disbelief when she saw Becky all tarted up with her new top on. I suspect this cultural reference to popular music bypassed Roy completely. Of course, Becky found out that Jason had gone looking for his broad aboard and then she sat at the bus stop waiting for the bus into town, all on her own, smoking a fag and wearing her new top. This got me thinking that if I was ever lucky enough to be an extra on Corrie, all I’d want to be is a passenger on the Weatherfield Wayfarer and smile out of the window as it trundled by on its way into town.

And in a scene that went nowhere but left a million things unsaid, Sean served Norris at the bar in the Rovers. “What’ll it be, love?” Sean asked Mr Cole. “Did you just call me love?” asked Norris, all miffed and confused. It was a wonderful scene. Is it time that Norris came out of the closet?
And that’s just about that for this week.
Coronation Street writers this week were David Lane, Jonathan Harvey, Jan McVerry, Carmel Morgan and Damon Rochefort.
Blogging away merrily at http://flamingnora.blogspot.com/
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