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Sunday, 19 January 2025

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 17 January 2025

In a court case the prosecution get first dibs on telling the jury what happened and how disgraceful the perpetrator has been in the acts they have executed.  It is hard to have a good day as the accused and Lauren senses things are not going well.  The defence barrister strongly challenges the expert witness on the number of blows and the damage done to Joel - which could have been after Lauren's one blow - so he keeps changing his story but it feels ineffectual.  Kit gives evidence which is pretty damning for Lauren.  Meanwhile back in the Big House Lauren's tormentor, Brie Benson, pops by to stir the pot further.  It feels like she is on a mission judging by her smiles to the camera.

Carla is well enough to find out how much a private kidney transplant operation will cost but as far as I know we do not know that Rob is a match and there is a delay despite the urgency.  Anyway Carla now needs £100k for a private operation and remembers that Jenny & Daisy owe her something like that so would they kindly extract their digits and cough up please?  They both protest but it cuts no ice.  Later Bets announces that Becky left her lots of money - and it should pay for half of the operation and she will lend it to Carla with a formal agreement and with interest charged and Lisa approves the transaction.  [In my view if Rob is a match then the NHS would easily setup the operation as it saves them the complexities around continuing dialysis].

Leanne and Nick are no longer tearing each other's clothes off but instead tearing lumps out of each of other, in front of Sam who makes the worst of a catch up session with Leanne after she insists (anything to get out of rugby and I don't blame him).  He manages seven minutes with Leanne before there is an excuse to go - Leanne is pretty nasty about both Nick and Toyah - which is not helping Sam's frame of mind.  Leanne uses it as a reason for another argument with Nick.  Tracy appears to be back permanently she tells Leanne.  Tracy tells her to get over Nick and get out there again.  Leanne has to buy her a drink for advice.

Daniel and Adam discuss Cassie's secret as spotted by Bertie and Daniel also admits possible parentage of the Daisy bump.  

Kev visits Dr Gadass who wants him to have an ultrasound - from that a visit to a specialist might be needed.  Kev updates Debbie on progress so far.  Kev retires for a lunch time drink with Tim and Kev eventually admits why he is out of sorts and helps Kev come to terms with the problems he is facing.    When he gets home he finds Abi asleep and looks after Alfie upstairs.  Debbie finds the keys in the front door and shouts waking up Abi who is distressed that Alfie is not in the same room and Kev gets a telling off for looking after the lad.  Eventually Kev calmly tells Abi the nature of the problem.  However Abi is not really listening as she has drifted off.  She is instantly upset he did not tell her sooner and she takes Alfie and goes for a walk.  She then has a monologue confusing Seb and Alfie again.  Her phone pings and she listens to Seb's voicemail by accident.  Abi half admits her problems to Roy - but then dashes out of the café.  Roy says she needs help and she needs to tell Kev - but she is not taking the advice at the moment.

In real life how you would you know that I was mad?  Or your partner?  In a soap the creators are able to provide unmissable clues - eg dead people walking and talking - to the audience which are not available to the on screen friends and families.  If used sparingly and with care then it can enhance the narrative for the viewers.  However three times - with Billy, Gail and now Abi - in a few months feels like a fixation, a lack of vision for the programme and a sad departure from the standards set when Vera returned for R'Jack.  I hate to have ended on such a negative note but it colours my current thinking.  Feel free to give your views in the comments or on X which I have not deserted.

Written by Simon Crowther and John Kerr.  Directed by Mickey Jones.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A throw-away remark from Tracy. Why is she back? Is it over with Tommy?
Does a kidney transplant really cost £100 grand? Or did the writers pick a sum at random? The irony will be if Rob isn't a match. He probably has no intention of donating his kidney anyway. He's planning a daring escape from hospital when he goes to be tested.


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