Wednesday 8 January 2025
The stabbing is the talk of the street as news spreads that the police have found the knife. Abi struggles to deal with what she witnessed and hearing a news report of the stabbing thinks it is about Seb.
Betsy confesses to Lisa how she helped Matty and Logan to knock off the factory. When Betsy reveals that Carla knows about it, but swore her to secrecy, Lisa reels. At the hospital, Lisa confronts Carla over Betsy’s involvement in the factory robbery. Carla apologises to Lisa for keeping quiet about Betsy’s involvement in the factory robbery but explains how she was simply trying to protect her. Lisa softens
After hearing Asha telling Dev that a hoax call delayed them getting to Mason, Joseph walks into the police station and tells Kit that he made the call, sending the ambulance on a wild goose chase. When Craig tells them about the hoax call to the emergency services, Chesney and Gemma are horrified. With Craig gone, Joseph admits that it was Hope’s idea. How will Chesney react?
Evelyn tells Roy that she’s due at the university for an induction that afternoon. When Tyrone asks her if she’ll look after the girls, Evelyn takes it in her stride but it’s clear she feels put upon. Bobby visits Carla and offers to donate a kidney if she needs it. Carla’s touched.
Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!

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