Wednesday 1st May 2024
BERNIE TELLS A FATAL LIE TO GET RID OF DENNY Paul, Billy and Gemma are blown away by the MND crowdfunder, sure it will make the council sit up and take notice about the possible centre closure. Meanwhile a man approaches Bernie outside the café, telling her he heard Paul on the radio and didn’t realise his son was dying. Bernie covers her shock and makes out Paul’s already dead and the interview was a recording. But disbelieving Denny follows her up to the flat where Gemma and Paul are shocked to see their Dad. When Denny remarks that Paul looks great for someone that’s supposedly dead, Bernie freezes in horror.
STEVE LEADS TIM INTO AN ADULTEROUS TRAP A nervous Steve meets up with internet date Carole in the Rovers, but he’s thrown to discover she’s brought three friends with her. Aurora invites Tim to join them and refuses to take no for an answer. When Sally calls at the pub and spots Tim with a drunken woman, giggling like a school boy, how will she react?
MARY PUSHES ROY TO REJIG HIS MEMORY Mary visits a desolate Roy in hospital. When Roy reveals that he keeps trying to remember the details of a conversation he overheard between Max and Lauren as he feels sure it’s of significance, Mary urges him not to give up as it’ll come to him eventually. When Nina reveals that the police are going to film a reconstruction in the café of Lauren’s last known movements, Amy offers to mention it on her radio show to raise awareness.
ELSEWHERE Rich and Alya arrive for their meeting with Adam. Adam’s taken aback to learn that Alya’s going to work in Dublin. Adam hands them a summary of the case, determined to impress Alya. Gary and Maria discuss private therapy for Liam, with Gary suggesting they sell the factory to fund it. Liam listens in deeply troubled.
Glenda Young
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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1 comment:
hi, I've just noticed that Dee Dee is becoming the new Stella Price of Weatherfield - she's in nearly every episode! I do love her, but is she being overworked?
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