According to the News of the World, Corrie's first lesbian will turn up on the cobbles soon. You can read the full story here although my money's still on Gail and Eileen getting putting their differences to one side and getting along, um, just a bit better.
Want to read more about the representation of homosexuality in Corrie? Click here
i just saw that myself. It's sad that it's still something to trumpet headlines over, though, isn't it? should New characters really have to be categorized like that? It's not exactly cutting edge these days but having gay and lesbian characters is still treated like a novelty. Me, i want Roy and Hayley to get properly married now that they legally can except they won't because the producers can't flog it as a gay wedding can they!
I'd love Roy and Hayley to get wed properly too, I can't understand why they haven't allowed it to happen on Corrie.
But I do think that trumpeting a lesbian on Corrie is a good idea. The potrayal of gay men on Corrie has been on the whole, excellent (in my opinion) and I'd like to see them do the same thing for women too. A good, strong, positive, lesbian role model on the UK's highest rating telly show could help a lot of young girls confused about their sexuality to identity with a positive image on TV. At least it's a start.
Hmm not quite sure how to think about this one... What would they do with one lesbian character?
Let Gail out of the closet?
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