Evelyn is back on t'Street walking from the tram stop towards Ty's but missing daughter Cassie tucked up in sleeping bag in the ginnel opposite Speed Dahl. Ken has gone on a break in the Lake District and he will be joined by Steve and Amy this evening but he has phoned Evelyn and given her an update and asked her to ensure that Cassie is safe and warm as he is remains concerned about her. So she asks Ty nicely - but he is not going to bend even slightly. Evelyn has a new haircut and new glasses.
Steve is in the cab office where Tracy wants some small talk and Steve asks after Tommy O - Tracy admits that Tommy loves football more than her so it is over. She is surprised to hear that Ken has headed to the Lakes to clear his head with Keats and Wordsworth. A little later she spots a dishevelled Cassie and even from a distance she can smell a sewer rat. Tracy goes to the police station but PC Tinker is able to confirm that in the absence of a statement from Ken they will not be arresting Cassie much to Tracy's displeasure.
Lou and Mick have reconciled as they always do and are demonstrating that in Roy's Rolls in front of Daisy who reckons that Mick is a caveman. In the Rovers a little later Mick wants a beer - and after some pressure asks more politely. Daisy reminds him that he was contemplating cheating on Lou without a second thought and it was a good thing Daisy came to her senses. Mick starts arguing with Daisy and Jenny appears and says that given his behaviour he can leave now. He calls the ladies the doo-lally duo. But he goes. Daisy assures Jenny she could handle it - but Jenny says that they are always better as a team - Daisy is not so sure. Jenny says to Rita that Daisy is headstrong and Rita asks if that reminds Jenny of anyone. Rita assures Jenny that Daisy will forgive her, eventually. Rita suggests Jenny back off for a bit.
Sarah is starting to feel that David, Shona and Lily (who is allegedly untidy) have outstayed their welcome and David senses his sister's disquiet - especially as David cannot do the ironing with his left arm broken. He therefore asks Audrey if they can move into Grasmere Drive now that Harvey is no longer chasing them. Audrey says she will think about it. Later in the Bistro Audrey discusses it with Rita. Gail is apparently having the time of her life Audrey reports. Evelyn joins them and catches up on her alcohol deficit quickly. Audrey has decided that she will help David as much as possible now that he has come to realise what is important.
Dee Dee is now very pregnant as we have not seen her for weeks and the pregnancy is progressing well. She has to remind Ed that she will be arranging for the baby to be adopted once born - which Ed is having trouble accepting. Dee Dee is not even sure she will hold the baby once born. Dee Dee talks it over with Bernie - Ed holds out some slight hope that a baby might bring Aggie back into the family. Bernie knows that Dee Dee has the baby's best interests at heart. Bernie talks about giving up Kit but recalls that she knew she could not provide the care the baby needed. As with Kit somewhere there is an amazing parent waiting to do the same for Dee Dee's baby. Later Ed resolves that he cannot let Dee Dee go through with her decision. Ed phones someone (not Michael as he is on holiday with Glory) and asks him / her to get to Weatherfield as soon.
Debbie is putting rubbish in the bin in the ginnel when we hear Tracy sounding like she is buying drugs from a dealer at the other end of the ginnel. Tracy spots Debbie as she turns to go in. Later Tracy invites Cassie in the back door of Number One as she wants to thrash out their problem. Tracy has made lunch - leek and potato soup! Cassie waits until Tracy has tasted it to ensure that it is not poisoned. Banoffee pie for afters. Cassie admits to missing Ken as he is good company. Amy apparently calls him "Grandad Google". Oddly despite her thieving Cassie also demonstrates to Tracy that she does actually care about Ken - his back, his pills and well being. Eventually Tracy comes to the point. She offers Cassie a wrapper of drugs and pushes it over the table to her. Cassie cannot help herself and puts it in her pocket.
Mick and Lou return to the Rovers and he remembers to say please when ordering the drinks. Mick cannot let it lie and raises the subject of events yesterday. Daisy calls to Lou and advises her that they kicked Mick out of the pub earlier in the day, explaining that he had come onto Daisy yesterday. Mick denies it. Unusually for Corrie Lou believes her husband and makes to attack Daisy who shuts the bar counter, Lou is in fighting mood until Jenny confirms Daisy's story indicating that Jenny thought they would need to throw a bucket of water over Mick. He feigns ignorance. Jenny tells them both to get out now. Both leave by the back door (to go to the ginnel and their back door in case anyone wants to know why they do not leave by the front door). Later Jenny and Daisy talk in the back and both effectively apologise for their behaviour. Daisy admits she is not coping well. Now more relaxed Jenny asks if she has talked properly to Daniel. Jenny says they are crazy about each other and Jenny is trying to save themselves a lifetime of misery. She says Daisy and Daniel are like Kermit and Miss Piggy - they are meant to be together. She tells Daisy to fight for it.
Audrey gets Sarah and David to sit down. She has decided to sell Grasmere Drive to provide the money to rebuild number eight. It will be David's inheritance when she dies. And there will be more money than enough. Audrey will downsize. Sarah is not in favour of this solution. Later in the Bistro however David agrees to the deal and then Audrey delivers the killer blow - stairs are getting a challenge so she will move into the annex of number eight and David can move upstairs.
Evelyn finally finds Cassie in Victoria Gardens and takes her back to the Dobbs residence to see if the damage can be repaired. Evelyn does not deliver a big lecture - it would not achieve much. She does say that nobody throws her daughter on the street even if she deserves it. However neither Tyrone or Fiz is in forgiving mood. Tyrone is not willing to listen - even though Ken does not want Cassie sleeping rough. Ty particularly does not want Cassie around the girls. Cassie accepts his refusal and leaves. Evelyn follows her but Cassie knows that Ty is right and she is a disgrace of a human being. Cassie tells Evelyn to trot off back to University and pretend that her daughter never existed. Evelyn gives Cassie money for a hotel for the night - which Cassie eventually takes. Back at Victoria Gardens she is going through the bin where she threw the wrap of drugs from Tracy when PC Tinker interrupts her. She claims she was looking for a tram ticket.
For the second time recently Debbie has no knowledge of what the other person is talking about - in this case Tracy trying to explain a drug deal was not a drug deal. Debbie is insistent she knows nothing - which suits Tracy's agenda perfectly. Debbie says her eyesight is not that good and it gets passed off.
Daisy arrives at Daniel's flat with a bottle with the intention of getting drunk. Daniel invites her in and she apologises. Daniel asks if they are getting back together and she uses a double negative and a split infinitive which Daniel is not sure he can forgive. They soon kiss and make up.
Tracy tells Steve over a microwaved meal that she is thinking of moving back in (well Tommy has ended the tenancy). She says she wants to make sure that Cassie does not worm her way back in. Tracy later overhears Cassie on the phone to someone who will deliver something she really needs in the morning as there is no stock this evening. Tracy is convinced that her offer of drugs has worked and that Cassie will soon be gone completely.
Only one brief visit to the police station and none to the hospital - things are looking up. And a multitude of stories and even some humour. At this rate we might soon have a programme worth watching all over again. Although there is a long way to go. Much better than some I have watched recently.
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