Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Luca Toolan interview: Mason returns to Coronation Street

Mason is back! How does it feel to be back at the Cobbles?

It’s beautiful to be back. It was quite a long break, it was 3 months, which was fun for the first week or two but then my head started to go a bit crazy! So being back and digging into a storyline that now I feel is really important for my character because I can delve into Mason’s backstory is really nice to do. 

How do you think Mason feels about being back on the street? 

Mason has had a really rough time in the young offenders so he’s filled with mixed emotions. Obviously it’s nice to be out of the hell hole that he was in, but the amount of jip that he’s getting from the residents will be difficult for him to deal with.

Is he coming back to start fresh or do you think he’ll want to get his revenge? 

I do think he’s coming with good intentions and wants to start afresh but I definitely don’t think people will be willing to forget what he’s done… cough cough Gary… I have a lot of hope for Mason to turn his life around, but we will just need to wait and see. 

This week Mason and Dylan will come face to face. How do you think Mason will feel about this? 

I think there’s a lot of pent up anger between Mason and Dylan. Mason is probably holding a lot of resentment towards Dylan and blames him for him being put behind bars because ultimately he was the one who confessed. I think the initial scene will be quite an explosive one to watch and it was a really fun scene to film. 

Does he want to make amends with Dylan and everyone else that he’s hurt eventually?  

I think with Dylan specifically it depends on how he reacts towards Mason. I think Mason will come in with an open mind and won’t close the relationship off with Dylan entirely. Deep down I think he wants to keep a little bit of the door open for him and if Dylan comes forth and tries to make amends then Mason could be receptive towards that. As for everyone else on the street, I think he’s just trying to do right now especially after having a tough time in jail and experiencing a tough life so far. Mason is trying to keep his head above water and do anything he can to survive, if that means playing the nice guy or changing his life around then I hope he will do it.

This week Stu finds a bloody and battered Mason near the precinct, has he already gotten himself into trouble since being released? 

I don’t think that he’s already gotten himself into trouble since being released, I think this is the kind of abuse Mason has faced his whole life which unfortunately is what has shaped him into the kind of person he is today. I think once Mason is fully back on screen, we will see little nuggets of things which we will be able to explore further into his backstory and give a clearer insight into his family life. 

Stu is also the one who notices Mason is sleeping rough. With Stu’s past and him completely turning his life around, do you think he could be a good role model for Mason? 

Oh absolutely. Stu has been there, done that and got the t-shirt and knows exactly what that life is like. I think Stu will see a lot of himself in Mason and could really be a strong father figure for Mason which I don’t think he’s ever properly experienced. Stu knows kids like Mason and I think he will really want to help him turn his life around before it’s too late. With regards to Mason’s family, he clearly doesn’t have someone to turn to which leads to him sleeping rough, so I would love him to have that supportive figure in his life. 

What are your own thoughts on Mason? Do you think he can ever change and go down a better path for himself? 

I think anyone can change in the right environment and people around them. All it takes is one person, like Stu for instance, to wrap his arms around him and give that unconditional love which would change him. Although there are times that Mason may “betray” people who care for him and maybe not live up to their expectations, it’s all about having that supportive network around him that will make such a difference. I think the future is promising for Mason and if he’s in that right environment, he will change. Then again, Mason is a very volatile character and explodes easily so who knows… 

What would you like to see from Mason in the coming months? 

Mason isn’t going to come out of jail as an angel so I would love to delve more into his backstory, homelife and relationships with his family. I want to build a three dimensional character which is what I’m currently doing. It’s very interesting to play out because I’m not just playing a bully anymore, Mason is a damaged human being who is going to continue to test and improve me as an actor. 

Glenda Young
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