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Tuesday 16 January 2024

Channique Sterling-Brown interview: Difficult decisions for Dee-Dee


It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster recently with family issues and a new relationship, how is Dee-Dee doing? 

I think she's really just trying to process this and juggle everything at once. She has such a positive attitude but I think she's really starting to feel the pressure and the cracks are starting to show. 

Joel really seems to be a great support system for Dee-Dee through all of this, do you see them together long term?

I really think they do have long-term potential. The relationship is a really new thing for Dee-Dee and for her to have someone who she can rely on in this way, especially with everything happening with her family, she starts to see him in a new light as it’s someone who’s there to support her and actually have her back. Dee-Dee is usually everyone else’s support system but to Joel, Dee-Dee is his priority and that means a lot to her. I definitely do think Dee-Dee and Joel could have a future together. 

With the family already having been through a gambling addiction with Ed before, how did Dee-Dee feel when she found out it was happening again? 

It was a massive blow. It really has been such a hard thing for Dee-Dee to process because it’s not only just the act of gambling but the absolute repercussions and the depth of it and then trying to clean everything up as well. 

It was obviously a tough Christmas for the Bailey family… How did Dee-Dee feel when she found out about Ed having to give away the Christmas presents to pay off his debts? 

For Dee-Dee, initially it was mostly confusion. She really struggled to believe it would be down to gambling at first when she found out that her dad had gone to such an extreme measure. Dee-Dee wasn’t there when the gambling affected the family the first time, so there was a part of her that was sort of almost out of touch to the depths of what this was going to mean. 

Dee-Dee has been really supportive of Ed and trying to make sure he tackles his debts. Do you feel that she needs to step up given that Aggie is away? 

 I think she always has felt a responsibility to keep her eye on the ball with her mum being away and has kind of taken on that role. I definitely think she's felt the pressure to step up especially because she wasn’t there the last time it happened. I think she’s trying to keep everyone sweet and look after everyone but in the process of that, things are starting to spiral out of her control and I think that’s something she’s not used to. 

Dee-Dee wants Ed to move back home but Michael states he will move out if he does, why do you think Dee-Dee is more forgiving towards her dad than Michael is? 

I think partly the distance. The fact she’s not been home for a long time means she has more sympathy and a bit more compassion in the situation and can see it from Ed’s perspective with his addiction. Michael is feeling the burden from a personal perspective and is really putting his blinkers on, especially having been through it all before. Both of their reactions are justified, but just completely different. 

Things go from bad to worse when Dee-Dee is trying to get Michael to make amends with Ed but they are interrupted by bailiffs on the doorstep. Do you think there’s any way back after this? 

I think the bailiff is just another nail in the coffin for Michael and Ed’s relationship. The strain this has caused by having trouble being brought literally to the doorstep means it might not be the end but it definitely makes it harder to come back from. 

With how protective Dee-Dee is of her family, how do you think she will feel to realise that Ed lied about having somewhere to stay and is in fact homeless? 

I think this is a case of Dee-Dee always trying to be balanced and compassionate but there is definitely going to be serious frustration about the situation. It really does put things into perspective for her and I think that’s going to be a new pressure for her. 

This week the builders yard goes up in flames and Michael is caught in it. Knowing how desperate Ed is, do you think Dee-Dee and Michael will fear the worst about how the fire started? 

Yeah, I think I think Dee-Dee certainly will. She's a lawyer and it's her job to think of the worst case scenario and prepare for every event. I do think she’s going to have to walk a very fine line whilst trying to protect everyone but also find out the truth. I think she will feel compromised in that. 

What is next for The Baileys? 

Having to rebuild your life once is one thing, but having to do it for a second time is massive and will put a lot of new, and old, strain on the relationships within the family. I think Dee-Dee having Joel as her confidante is really vital to getting her through this time. But family always comes first, so I think the decisions she makes now are definitely going to affect her throughout the next year. 

Glenda Young
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Anonymous said...

I seem to recall that Michael took some blame about the family losses from before so this may be why he is seeming so intolerant now. Does anyone else remember this bit of family history?

Fluttershy said...

If Lorna Laidlaw isn't coming back any time soon, they need to recast Aggie, and do it now. Praying out thi storyline without her is just plain daft.

C in Canada said...

@Anon - yes I believe you're right. Bad business decisions or something like that. Would explain his behaviour now.


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