Friday 10th November 2023
PAUL’S DEVASTATED BY HIS DECLINE When Billy’s summoned to a meeting with the bishop, Bernie tells Dev that she’s accompanying Paul to his speech therapy session and the police will have to wait. Paul meanwhile confides in David how he tried to seduce Billy but he made out he was too tired. David urges him to talk to Billy. Paul tells the speech therapist about his recent coughing fits. Bernie clocks her concern as she insists they see the MND nurse. The bishop tells Billy that he’s prepared to lift his suspension and it’s time he returned to work. Billy’s delighted but his mood is short lived when Bernie calls from the hospital. The MND nurse breaks the news to Paul that he only has 6 to 12 months left to live.
JOSEPH’S HEALTH MAKES GEMMA CATASTROPHIZE Chesney tells Gemma that headache or not, Joseph is going to school. However when he gets home to find Gemma ignored his advice, Chesney’s furious. When Joseph later tells her his head still hurts, Gemma leaves the quads with Abi and takes Joseph to A&E.
BERNIE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY When Abi reveals that Joseph is in A&E, Bernie wonders how much more bad news they can all take. Bernie unburdens herself to Abi, blaming herself for Paul’s condition because she was such a terrible Mum.
CARLA CHOOSES PETER Peter assures Carla that he’s happy to attend his alcoholics’ meeting alone as she’s needed at the factory. Feeling guilty, Carla rushes home, telling Peter there are more important things than work and she’s coming to his meeting. Peter’s touched.
ELSEWHERE As Summer helps Amy at the drop in she’s organised for the counselling charity a girl calls in and Summer hands her a flyer. While they’re distracted, the girl leaves. Amy’s cross with herself, wishing she’d offered her some help and Summer worries for her friend.
Glenda Young
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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Where is Fizz? I thought she took a job training the staff at the new faktry in Norfolk? Is that still running? How is Carla paying the Norfolk staff? Have they walked out too?
Jenny McAlpine is on maternity leave, so hence the Norwich storyline for Fiz
When Billy sprained his back, instead of calling Todd and Todd asking Eddie to drill the lock, why didn't Billy phone summer? Summer had a key, so there was no need for Eddie to drill through the lock!
That wouldn't have created the comedy aspect of the scenes if he'd have rang Summer
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