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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Jack P Shepherd interview: Is David right to mistrust Jesse?

How is David feeling about his mum's new love interest?

They are all a bit taken aback by it, really, because it’s obviously out of the blue. He has explained that they’re more than just friends and they met over in Thailand. FOr a while now David has been mentioning  Gail's life drawing classes that she keeps going to but it seems that's a load of nonsense, she hasn't been going to any life drawing classes. She's been meeting up with Jesse. So that explains that. And David can't believe she pulled the wall over his eyes, he's just unsure, as anybody would be, especially with her track record…I think this is the sixth or seventh potential husband! I think anybody would be like, what are you doing here?

So is it that he doesn't trust Jesse?

Exactly. He was with Eileen, now he is with Gail so it's a bit weird. And also the timing’s great, because she's just taken out this bridging loan, hasn't she, for Bethany. So David’s suspicious that he wants that. 

How does he feel about her selling the house?

David's always been hellbent on it being his house, and it's never been any of the other siblings' house, just David's, I don't know where he gets this from. It’s small man syndrome, I think! In his head it's his birthright! He’s never moved out, but maybe he should have done. That’s why he always insists that it's his house, and it’s just as much Nick’s and Sarah's. But because he thinks it's his house when she's selling his house, he kicks off.

Tell us about Carla coming round ready to make an offer

Yes Carla comes sniffing round and David is having non of it.  That's funny because me and Ali [King] very rarely have scenes together, ever, and she's always been saying she'd like more scenes with me. We had fun. I just messed around in a lot of them, and I made her laugh … you’ll have to watch it when it's on, because it is funny. It made me laugh anyway and I love doing the comedic scenes with David.

What's David's reaction to the fact that Carla might be buying his family home?

He almost arm wrestles the ‘for sale’ sign off the estate agent in the garden. He's not best pleased, obviously. He starts shouting and kicking off  and this brings on an awful lot of stress to Gail. And lo and behold, she ends up in the back of an ambulance.

Can you talk us through what happens there in that scene?

I think we're in the Rovers at the time, and Carla comes in and she's like, there's an ambulance outside your house. I think it might be your mum. So then all us three kids panic. We're straight down to the hospital. We're asking how she is? What's going on? It’s touch and go. They are really worried, obviously that they might be about to lose their mum.

Does David think he might be the reason this has happened?

David blames himself. He goes outside, and he's having a little think to himself, and then Jesse's thinking, is he all right? He looks as though he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, as though he’s hiding something. So he comes out to try and pick David's brains a bit and find out what's been going on. And David just says that it is his fault. He has put his mum through a lot of stress over the years, especially now, things haven't helped with Bethany and he hasn’t helped by banging on about the house all the time. And then he goes back into the hospital. And for some reason, Jesse goes home because he thinks David is hiding something.

We know that he finds the money. Can you talk us through that and whether David will confess?

David is worried about why Jesse has gone back to the house, when really he should be at Gail’s bedside. He decides he is going to go and see what Jesse is up to and whether he is on to him. David realises the money is no longer there and Jesse appears behind him with a bag, and says, “Looking for this sunshine?”. David is frustrated that Jesse now has this over him and could tell everyone, after all it’s dirty money, isn't it? Damon's money.

So what's it been like to film with John Thomson?

Really good. All of his anecdotes are brilliant and really funny. And I think he's felt right at ease coming into the Platts because he said that we really made him welcome. For us there is no ‘this is our family’. We’re not fussed, whoever's there. We're just there to have a laugh, really. And I think he is really enjoying that. He has fitted in well.

How do you think he's going to cope when Gail goes, is he going to become like the glue that holds the family together?

No, I doubt that very much! I don't think he'll become the glue, I think if anyone that's going to have to be Sarah, it will be the middle child's responsibility, as it is in every family. I think Nick will have his own thing, and he'll bob in, bob out whenever needed. But ultimately, he's got the bistro. He's got loads of problems with Leanne and Toyah. So he'll have his own world to worry about. The thing is for David there is a lot more stuff going on than his mum meeting a new man and talking about leaving Weatherfield and that is all about to start unravelling. He and Shona are about to be tested and of course he has the secret about Damon’s money so I think he might have too much on his plate. Sarah is always the one that ends up trying to pull everyone together and imagine it will fall to her again.

Glenda Young
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