Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Sunday 13 August 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 11 August 2023

The big news is the return of Dirk to the action and he is not even in the factory as he and Kirk make it to the memorial being held for the late Rufus Donahue.  Numbers attending are minimal and dear old Uncle Stephen summons the factory faithful to the Chariot Square Hotel to make it look as if Rufus was a much loved member of the Manchester Rag Trade Community.  And if anyone can tell me where Kirk got that shirt please let me know - I want one!

Lou has been to the police station and has collected Rufus' effects - including a tie-pin - and for newcomers Stephen has a convenient flashback to the tie-pin falling away from Stephen's tie as Rufus died.

Slightly more importantly, young Ruby Dobbs has had a magical head transplant and it is so effective that Glenda announces that Ruby will be taking the big solo at the forthcoming "Little Big Shotz" Summer Spectacular show.  Now judging by the face on Hope Stape (and why does she still want that surname?) the person most surprised by this decision is not Ruby but Hope who considered it was a nailed-on certainty that her natural abilities would outshine everyone else.  

Glenda speaks approvingly of how Ruby has worked hard to ensure she knows the lines and will give a "special" performance.  Hope by the way is backing singer number 3.  Nina offers to do Hope's make-up for the performance and that seems to ease the situation, as it will be amazing.  

Roy is an old softie so at Shona's request gives Lauren a trial shift - a poster girl for eating, well not a lot - I certainly cannot see her having a full English any time soon.  It is fair to say that Lauren is not a natural - delivering coffee when tea has been ordered and George's egg has gone nowhere near the poacher because it completely slipped her mind to pass on the order.  Lauren passes the trial shift to absolutely no-one's surprise (except Lauren of course).  

Max breaks his promise to check on Lauren during her shift as Sabrina materialises at the bus stop and they go to the Platt house to play computer games.  Max admits that just being mates is not enough for him.  Sabrina agrees - but cannot be with him whilst Lauren is in his life.  Max later tells Lauren that it is not back on with Sabrina because he will not cut Lauren out of his life.

Talking of tea it appears that Peter makes tea backwards, according to Tim putting the milk in first (which we all know is the right way).  Tim never noticed.  The Stu and Eliza story rumbles along as he does not want her having contact with her father Dom - but the latter is taking legal advice and few think Stu is approaching the problem wisely.

Bernie convinces Chesney that he has little to worry about - Gemma loves him and not Henry.  Gemma meets Henry at the precinct and very reluctantly she agrees to taking the job (she has the skills to be a PA... since when?) in exchange for him saving the Rovers.  Henry later goes to the Rovers and asks for a word with Jenny.  The brewery will buy and keep Jenny on.  Henry explains that Chesney apologised and the figures are borderline - and Henry has always had a soft spot for the place - contracts will be drawn up.  Jenny makes an announcement to the punters and only Gemma does not look to happy about events.  When Gemma gets home she is in for a treat - not sex as she is too tired - but Chesney has made her favourite - a Scotch egg!  Gemma bites the bullet and reveals she has been offered a job at the brewery HQ as Henry's PA.  Chesney is not happy - but it is full time work and the money will be useful.

With the memorial for Rufus out of the way Lou is in the Bistro with Carla, both drinking coffee, with Lou convinced that Rufus did not have an accident - despite the decisions which have happened.  He was apparently good at micro-dosing on drugs and would not make a mistake.  They were estranged but Lou is convinced that there is more to be found.  Rufus was not a tie wearer and certainly not a tie-pin wearer - so why was there one by the pool?  

Lou also mentions to Carla, as Peter arrives, that she simply cannot find the watch which was his pride and joy and which is promised to Jools, their son, when he is 18.  Once Lou has gone Peter recalls finding the watch in the back of his cab, pawning it for £15k which paid for Carla's rehab when Uncle Stephen was more than microdosing her beverages with LSD!  Whoops.  Carla suggests to Peter that he should explain to Lou and that is the best way of making it right.

Stephen phones Lou to re-arrange the meeting on Nippersnapper - but she cannot manage tomorrow morning - she has a meeting with Weatherfield's finest to discuss the tie-pin and the inscription "Love G x".  And I conclude the G is Gabrielle.  Can Uncle Stephen feel a noose steadily tightening around his neck?

And whilst writing I have been blessed once again with BBC Radio Oxford broadcasting the Cropredy Convention.  So my thanks to Fairport and that lovely field in Oxfordshire - and one day we shall all "Meet on the Ledge".

Written by Alasdair Morrison and Susan Oudot.  Directed by Alex Browning.


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