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Tuesday 24 September 2024

Tina O'Brien interview: Sarah's devastation over daughter's dilemma

It’s been a very traumatic time for not only Bethany but Sarah too. How is she coping with everything?

I think that she went into auto pilot when it first happened and snapped right into mum mode. I think obviously, when she gets there and she sees the severity of what's happening to Bethany, then she's just absolutely devastated and really worried for her.

What was Sarah’s first reaction when she heard that Bethany had liposuction?

I think she was really shocked because she had no idea it was even something that Bethany was considering. They'd never even discussed anything like that, and Bethany and Sarah are so close, so it was completely out of the blue.

Does Sarah want to keep quiet about the liposuction?

Sarah isn't embarrassed by what Bethany has done but she's really hurt, I think she’s scared of the judgement she will face after doing this but I don’t think she’ll actively try to hide it.

How does Sarah feel towards Bethany’s decision to get liposuction?

Sarah’s hurt that Bethany didn't think to tell her and confused because she just thinks “why Bethany?” that’s her daughter, and she’s absolutely perfect in every single way with the most beautiful figure, so it hurts her that Bethany didn’t feel as if she was good enough and if anything, Sarah feels a bit responsible as she just thinks “Oh my God, have I not made her feel good enough about herself?” because she's just so beautiful.

Sarah finds out Bethany’s insurance is void due to the nature of her procedure, what’s going through her head?

I think she’s first like “what the hell are we going to do?” She thinks they are going to get arrested and never leave the country. It's just awful for the whole family and feels like she's in a nightmare. Everyday she’s seeing the money going up and up in the hospital by thousands of pounds. Sarah also knows that it’s difficult to even ask people for money because there’s a cost of living crisis so people are already strapped for money. She’s also aware of the judgement that will come with this, because people will see it as Bethany bringing this on herself.

When Gail suggests she could sell the house to raise money, how will Sarah feel about that?

She feels a lot of emotions, especially because she’s also carrying that burden for Bethany because she knows how devastated she will feel when she finds out what people have been trying to do to look after her. Sarah definitely feels a mix of emotions, she’s gutted and guilty that it’s come to this but she also feels really relieved and understood from her family, especially Gail.

Sarah was initially blaming Daniel for everything, does she really think it’s his fault or is she looking for someone to blame?

I think she's just lashing out. She's really angry about the fact that Sarah believes there’s potentially something going on between him and Daisy because she’s overheard a few things but can't get to the bottom of it. She's angry with Daniel, but I don't think she would ever hold him responsible for Bethany choosing to get liposuction because at the end of the day, Bethany's a grown woman, and she makes her own decisions.

Does Sarah like Bethany and Daniel together?

No, I don’t think she does like them together. I think Sarah holds her tongue a lot, even from day dot, because Daniel got with Bethany around the time that his partner Sinead died, and he was clearly not over her and left Bethany in a bad way. I think she's always held her reservations about him.

And on top of everything else, Damon has left her a voicemail but it’s heard by Adam first. How does Sarah feel towards Damon now? Is she still holding onto hope?

I think she'll always have a little bit of something for Damon. You know, there's just something there. I think he got her, he really, really understood her, and he didn't judge her for anything. I feel like if they had the opportunity, they could have been completing themselves together. And I think she understands that whatever happens, he's got her back, and I think she really trusts him.

Is Sarah just happy to be single now?

Yeah, she's actually really happy being single for once. I think she's had enough of idiots! I do like to think she’s on a few dating apps and goes on some nice dates. To be honest, the way things are happening at the moment, she probably hasn't got much time to spend on relationships so she’s content being single and focusing on her family.

 Glenda Young
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