Here's another of those
Coronation Street picture puzzles we all love. We do, don't we? Well, I like 'em. Can you guess on which part of the set this Coronation Street fan usually makes an appearance?

And after you've puzzled that one, can you guess whose house on the Street has this bowl of fruit in it?
I have a vague memory (aren't they all these days) of seeing the fan in the back room of Dev's shop.
Does the bowl of fruit belong to the Peacocks? Or is it one of Sally's aspirational objects?
The fan is in the taxi office i think. Dunno about the fruit bowl. Eileen's? Peacock's?
(not looking at the other comments)
I think the fan is definitely the cab office (there is the blue taxi sign light coming from the left - see, I have very good observation skills!) and I have no idea about the fruit bowl but I would say it's in Sally Webster's character to have that sort of thing in her front room.
Matthew is right (as always). The fan is from the cab ofice and the fruit bowl is Sally's! well done.
Woo Sally Webster was a complete guess I just thought it was a verry Sally-like thing!
I like Sunny Jim's description of it being Sally's objet d'art.
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