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Monday 28 October 2024

Platt Ponderings - Coronation Street guest post by @typingtiff

Platt Ponderings  by @typingtiff 

The latest Corrie episode delivered tons of emotion and drama as we saw Gail recover from her heart attack and Jesse confront David over stealing Damon’s money.

For longtime fans, this storyline is both exciting and bittersweet. David’s taking big risks to protect his family, rekindling that impulsive, misguided side Jack P Shepherd portrays so well. It’s refreshing to see David in this light again, stepping out of “dad mode” to dive into the darker, more complex layers that have always made him so compelling. Jack thrives on this kind of material, capturing David’s vulnerability, desperation, and darker impulses. But we’re still being treated to some cracking one-liners as well, because in typical David-fashion, jokes and sarcasm are the best tools for dealing with stress!

The bittersweet part though is knowing these scenes were originally meant to include David’s dad, Martin Platt. As much as Jesse has taken on a guiding role for the Platts, you can’t help but imagine how it would have been with Martin there. His history with the Platt family runs deep and having him around to challenge his now-grown kids would’ve added an extra layer of nostalgia and emotional depth. However, Martin’s understanding of why Sarah and David are so protective of Gail—thanks to their past with Richard Hillman—might have made it harder to create tension and sparks between them. On the other hand, Jesse is more of an outsider, which lets him challenge their behaviour toward Gail without the baggage of their history. It looks like he might bring some much-needed stability and strength to the family, as well as some light relief. Do I still want Martin Platt to return one day though? Absolutely! 

The hospital scene with Gail and David really hit me in the feels! It was a beautiful reminder of Gail’s resilience and love for her family, qualities that have defined her on Corrie for many years now. With her departure fast approaching, hopefully she’ll get a bigger role in the storyline, allowing us to enjoy more of her strength, wisdom and humour before she goes. Gail deserves a farewell that honours her legacy, and I hope she gets the meaningful send-off she truly deserves! 

I’m also intrigued as to what the future holds for the Platt family. With their matriarch gone, who will step up and who will hit self-destruct? Jack P Shepherd thinks Sarah will brunt the responsibility of holding the family together after Gail leaves, but what do you think? 

 Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Shock suspect revealed as mystery surrounds Corrie murder

With the police still struggling to crack the case as to who murdered Joel Deering, tonight another piece of evidence is revealed to viewers as a dramatic flashback puts DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) in the frame!

While DC Kit Green (Jacob Roberst) has been heading up the murder investigation,

Lisa has refused to step away from the investigation.

But when viewers tonight see her examining some intense bruising on her body, before watching a flashback which shows her chasing someone through the precinct on the night of Joel’s death, we wonder whether she has a more vested interest in the case!

Is Lisa trying to cover her own tracks or was someone else responsible for killing Joel?

 Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Preview of today's Coronation Street - Monday 28 October 2024

Monday 28th October 2024

    Working on a case of a vandalised car Lisa realises the car was damaged on the same road Joel was attacked on the same night and the owner remembered hearing two men arguing outside his flat. She confides in Dee Dee that the car was hit by a red car. Lisa discovers Ronnie’s red car was in for repair and tackles him in The Rovers. Later in the flat Carla is praising Lisa for her work and juggling motherhood but as Carla lays a comforting hand on her, Lisa flinches and makes a swift exit, leaving Carla gutted. 

    Gemma, Bernie and the quads return from their trip. Bernie and Billy disagree again over her plan to send the ashes into space. Billy refuses to give her his share. Chesney finishes the deep-clean of Prima Doner. But he’s outraged when Dev says that he won’t be paid for the whole month the place is shut, due to his zero-hours contract. Bernie is furious with Dev as Cheseny is forced to take a delivery job for minimum wage on zero hours.

    When Cassie reveals she’s going on a date later, Steve’s disparaging about the man she’s meeting. Cassie reckons he sounds jealous. But when her date doesn’t go to plan Steve comes to the rescue, takes her to The Rovers and boosts her self esteem. Is the spark between them reignited?

    Leanne tells Nick she can’t face being front-of-house after The Institute fall out  and suggests he hire someone. Nick offers Toyah the job of bistro manager, telling Toyah they make a great team and it would get Leanne used to seeing them together.  How will Leanne react? 

    Jesse has an announcement which will stun the Platt family. 

 Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook 

Sunday 27 October 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Sunday 27 October 2024

Good evening.  As readers may be aware ITV X is making episodes available on the day of transmission - but for some reason this episode appeared on that resource on Friday and it was therefore watched in this house on Friday evening.  First up the antagonism between Sam and Toyah is writ large but Toyah persists and eventually Sam at least lets her stay so that they work on equipment which demonstrates Gail's heart operation.  When Nick returns he gets a demonstration of Gail's op and Sam departs to show it to Hope and later to go to the cinema.  Nick then has a heart to heart with Toyah which ends with lips locking and further close contact.  Nick does not want to upset Sam again or disrupt him and so the new Platt/Battersby pairing agree to keep their romance quiet for now which will inevitably lead to deception, discovery and recrimination in the coming weeks as people catch them in clinches.  Given that Toyah promised to not lie to Sam to start up again with Nick in secret in the same episode must be a record.

We have the big reveal this evening of Bethany's stoma, initially to us and then she unexpectedly exposes it to Daniel as he comes into the flat as he has a key.  She shouts at him and he departs - she had wanted  to choose when she showed him and did not like being caught unawares.  She phones Sarah who returns to the flat instead of visiting Gail - she thinks she might have been followed but is unsure.  Sarah receives a phone call from Damon who has suffered a beating but has convinced Harvey's goons that someone else in the gang has abstracted the cash from the lock up.  Damon says that there should be no further contact between them (and I do not believe that either).  Daniel has decorated Victoria Gardens (where they had their first wedding) in memory of Sinead and Bethany joins him.   Bethany apologises for her anger and Daniel re-assures her all will be well and they kiss.  Bertie is mentioned but never seen.

Much of this evening revolves around the Platt family which is back centre stage after a long time on the sidelines principally because Gail has undergone an operation which went well and she is on the road to recovery.  She will make a full recovery but needs to take life very easy for the next few weeks.  Gail is fixated on oxters (armpits) a much underused word.  Gail also discovers that Hugh Bonneville likes to add marmalade to his spaghetti bolognese!  David apologises for the upset he has caused Gail.  He is however more worried about the money as Jesse has found it and uplifted it but he hands it back to David.  In a strange apparent non-sequitur David returns to the lock up carrying the cash intending to return it but a member of the gang is present so David returns home with the cash.  David and Jesse discuss the cash and against the background that they are currently off Harvey's hook as Sarah passed the information onwards they broker an understanding and David offers to talk the family round if Jesse keeps it zipped.  Jesse wants a share of the cash.

Ken and Cassie are preparing for their trip to Porto, discussing a fado evening (I hope they enjoy it - it is amazing) and go shopping for suitable clothes.  Steve continues to be suspicious of Cassie and makes it clear that she should not accept the jacket which Ken has bought for her.  She returns the jacket and whilst she is out Ken tells Steve that he welcomes Cassie's company and for his sake would Steve please stop sniping so hard.  On her return with Ken apparently sleeping (but keeping an eye on the two of them) Steve offers Cassie a truce and they shake hands on it.  Has a corner been turned?  

Kit appears to stalking Dee Dee - in the shop, in Roy's Rolls and eventually in the Rovers.  We also see Joel's father (sadly not his mother) and it transpires that Dee Dee attended Joel's funeral yesterday.  Mr Deering wants to know if Dee Dee has any more knowledge about Joel's demise - which she denies. Later she tells Kit she wanted the satisfaction of seeing Joel lowered into the ground and to know for certain that Joel was gone and buried forever.     

No doubt she was originally intended to say those words to Martin - the entire Jesse story is riddled with holes - but putting that to one side he is probably a better bet than some of the others with whom she has been involved!  Jesse takes some time to think about it but when he returns to the hospital later he accepts the invitation.  

A bit mixed this evening.  No sign of Lucy Fallon's bump as yet - the stoma will be hiding a lot.  I know that Gail was promised a good exit so I hope it will be.  I cannot believe Damon returned for a couple of phone calls and a beating - so there will be more I suspect.  No-one can keep a secret for long - Toyah tell Sam NOW.  And if Dee Dee actually did murder Joel why would she need to attend the funeral?  No doubt answers to all this and more will be along shortly..

Written by Sam Holdsworth.  Directed by Penelope Shales-Slyne.



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