Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Saturday 1 June 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 31 May 2024

In case anyone doubted my assertion that Joel was responsible for the disappearance of Lauren the reveal on Thursday evening and tonight's follow up showing just how evil he can be should ensure any belief that Nathan ought to be sent down (again) this time for a crime he did not commit needs to be put to one side.  Joel does his best to convince Nathan to plead guilty, implies to Dee Dee he has dropped Nathan as a client and simply looks like a bad man in every scene.  Bethany, Daniel and Sarah are pretty sure that Kit has planted the hair evidence in Nathan's van and are worrying that the evidence trail might convince.  (Nathan knows he has been stitched up - but does not know it was Kit).  A quick phone call to Nicky Wheatley (sat in Frescho's car park) enables her to broker a meeting between Bethany and Ellie - to be honest I am surprised Nicky did not insist on being at the meeting (I assume filming schedules prevented it).  Ellie confirms Nathan abused her but refuses to go to the police.  Ellie also decided to ensure her safety by having company hiding in her flat - yes the ubiquitous Joel emerges, praises her storytelling which has put Bethany off the scent and then treats her like dirt by being difficult over handing over a monetary thank you.  Heavens to Murgatroyd can his evilness be painted any bolder?

Roy meanwhile is suffering and decides that given the café a proper bottoming will help his angst.  He is interrupted by Lisa Swain (who is entitled to become Lisa as she is not really on police duties) popping by to advise Roy that all charges are dropped and that they will not be proceeding against Bobby either.  Roy confirms that he has no wish to make a statement concerning Griff Reynolds - it happened and that is the end of it.  As Lisa she also tells Roy that he needs to ensure his friends are properly valued - in particular Carla had only done it because she was his friend and he should put it right.  Roy later arrives at the factory and as best he can tries to make amends - which Carla acknowledges.  

With Roy back at his cleaning Sam pops in needing to catch up with his best friend.  Roy is far from welcoming sending him on his way and telling Nina he is not fit to be a father figure to the lad.  Nina explains that all is not well between Leanne and Nick at the moment and Sam needs Roy - but Roy is not trusting anyone at the moment - Roscoe has disrupted any trust he has in other people.

Lisa manages to mention her difficult daughter once again at various points and Carla visits the police station for her intervention with Roy and as thanks indicates that perhaps she can assist the daughter with some work experience at the factory to see real life.  Careful Carla - you might be bribing a police officer - but even she calls Lisa, "Lisa" and not DS.  Apparently the factory owner is a complete nightmare - which brings a huge smile to Lisa's face.  And a few moments later man-eater Carla also has a huge smile across her face.  

To close the episode it appears that Joel has an unhealthy obsession with Bethany - whilst he might have thrown her off the trail and even Daniel is telling her to leave it alone Joel is studying her picture online - does will there be some new horror for her?

Unusually this next bit is a SPOILER - do not read any further although it has been published widely - if you do not want to know any more.

Good news.  The wonderful Carol Royle is to visit the Street as Joel's mother.  Quite how a woman as wonderful as Ms Royle could be responsible for Joel I leave to the imagination of the writers.  OK I admit to a bit of a crush.  I wonder if she will be doing Star Tours when I visit the Street later in the month - can someone arrange it please?  In other news Glenda and Michael Bailey shared yet another scene tonight.  I liked James, I do not like Michael - they lost the wrong Bailey there.  So do Kit and Joel know each other or is there another explanation to his framing Nathan?  And on another positive note Beth had a little scene this evening where she was happy, not being grumpy, not being difficult - just a little ray of sunshine and laughter - can we have this Beth permanently please?

Written by Steven Fay and directed by Paul Riordan.



Anonymous said...

Roy banging on and on about cleanliness when you can still see that filthy wall by the window is really annoying me.

Seems like Kit is more like his mother than he thinks with his lies and deceit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous]1700]To be fair,Bernie has somewhat reformed and as for Kit's lies and deceits,I think it's due more to Sarah's influence as she can be deceitful and Kit may want to impress her.
Sarah will regret her actions to help Kit frame Nathan though as Bethany may now be in danger.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and does he even believe Nathan is guilty of murder? He probably just wants to get "a collar" to further his career. Didn't Swain hint about a shady past at his previous station?

Maggie Muggins said...

I don't think Roy pushed Sam away because he feels unfit to mentor him. It seems more that he's afraid that being around children might feed the vulture vigilantes who branded him as something he's not.

Kosmo said...

I agree about the interior of the Café - various areas of it have not been deep cleaned in a while (the dangers of high definition) and that is simply NOT Royston. Someone show the set some love please?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous[3;34]Granted Kit may be trying to frame Nathan to further his career but I think it's more likely to impress Sarah.
As for Swain,she's in no position to judge Kit as she arrested Roy on hearsay from Bobby and Max and not on real evidence.Perhaps Swain was also hoping to further her career?

Anonymous said...

True. Swain has always charged people on the flimsiest of "evidence" or based on pub gossip. Now with the daughter they are softening her up. And turning Carla gay?

Anonymous said...

Jeanie (anon): Forget the deep cleaning (or lack of it!)! Do we really need another psychopath on the street--this time a violent, sociopathic sexual predator/murderer who seems to have been transplanted from one of ITV's dark police procedurals or thrillers? And what about the building sexual attraction between (perennially straight Carla) and Swain? Will the prospect of the world's sexiest middle-aged same sex couple make us forget years of Carla's enthusiasm for the opposite sex?

Re the seemingly endless stream of psychopathic deceivers who seem to find their way to the street (a very cheap way of stirring up interest in the show, it must be said): At least Stephen (whose story was wrapped up less than a year ago), was integrated with the other characters--his story line explored his family relationships with Audrey, David, Nick, Sarah, even Sam, not to mention Jenny, Elaine, Tim, Sally, Daisy. Who can forget, for example, the absurdity of him stealing money to pay for Sam and Audrey's trip to see the Northern Lights and allow him to continue to play the Big Man in his family? Or the humiliation of him buying used suits?! The list could go on and on, because he was a complex character with a deep connection to many characters on the street. So his descent into crime, within that context, made story-telling sense for a show about relationships, particularly family relationships.

But bringing in Joel the creepy outsider--with his over-the-top, sexual predator posturings as he ogles a picture of a tarted-up teenage Bethany--to terrorize the female population of Weatherfield is just exploitative sensationalism. Then showing him beating Lauren to death with a chair leg with a close up of her terrified face--horrible and disgusting, particularly considering she was such a troubled young teen who tried so hard to turn her life around. Typical young blond female fodder for late night crime series and procedurals.

But Coronation Street is not meant to be a dark thriller about sexually violent predators preying on the vulnerable! Develop some decent storylines, rather than juicing things up by injecting a dose of sexual violence against pretty young blond women! And I don't want to see him continue to hoodwink Dee Dee, one of the few completely decent and sweet-natured people on the show. Like Roy...she is a pure-hearted, innocent, and idealistic person. After showing Roy's faith in himself and who he is destroyed in prison (as evidenced by his rejection of Sam) do we really need to see the same thing happen to Dee Dee?


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