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Tuesday 4 June 2024

Georgia Taylor interview: Toyah and Nick grow close

How worried is Toyah about Leanne’s growing involvement in the Institute and Rowan?

She's hugely worried, she had quite a strong instinct early on that something’s a bit off with the institute and I think the change in Leanne’s behaviour and personality have verified that Toyah’s fears are correct. Leanne’s becoming very emotionally disconnected from both Toyah and Nick in a way that feels quite out of character because even though Leanne's a very tough woman she's loyal and she does love her sister. So when she starts pushing her away, there are definitely alarm bells ringing. 

Toyah hasn’t always been the biggest fan of Nick, but do you think they could come together here to try and take Rowan on?

Yeah I think so, they’ve found something in common here. What they have in common is that they both love Leanne, they’re seeing a change in her and they feel like they're losing her. That’s inadvertently pushing Toyah and Nick together to take Rowan on. I also think how emotionally available Nick was for Toyah when he found out about Rose, perhaps shifted how she views him a little bit and made her look at him in a different way.

Obviously she’s been through a lot with Rose, so how does she feel when the roses are delivered with their significance?

She’s spooked at first, then quite quickly she realises Rowan is behind it. She’s incredibly insulted, furious and she feels like he's rubbing her nose in her own trauma. It just validates everything that she thought about the scumbag person that she thinks he is.

How does Toyah feel to know that Leanne has spoken to Rowan about her, does she feel betrayed?

She feels massively betrayed, because at first Leanne denies that she told Rowan, then even when it does come out and she knows she’s lied, Leanne is still on the backfoot and trying to deny it. Leanne won’t accept that Rowan would do anything like that because she just thinks he's this perfect human. It feels like the ultimate betrayal because when Toyah’s at her most vulnerable, when she's grieving the loss of a child, she still feels like her sister’s not there for her.

Can Toyah believe that her sister has been sucked into this, when she has seen through Rowan from the start?

Because Toyah was a counsellor, which she likes to remind people about a lot, you would think she would have a reasonable understanding of people and of human behaviour, but I suppose when it's someone very close to you, it's difficult to be so objective. The emotional side of her is just so frustrated, her sister is this really strong independent businesswoman, yet she’s been reduced to this spoon fed minion just following this guy around. 

It's Nick who is there for her again as she faces court. How have her feelings to Nick changed throughout this time?

I think it’s really confusing for her, Nick is to all intents and purposes her brother in law and they haven’t always got on, so it's not like she's been harbouring some secret attraction.

This change in him has hit her out of the blue, how understanding and compassionate he can be. She probably hasn't seen that side of him before and she doesn't really have anyone else. She hasn’t really got friends, she feels like she’s losing her sister, she hasn't got a partner. So I think maybe she's putting a lot of stock in the support he's giving up, he's becoming everything to her and maybe those feelings are starting to get a little bit blurred.

Does she feel guilty about how close she’s growing to Nick?

It's interesting because every time something happens, where Toyah might feel guilty for leaning on Nick, Leanne does something again to push her away or she behaves in a way that is unacceptable. It's difficult when you're angry at someone, but you also feel guilty for something you've done to them. It's very conflicting for Toyah.

Toyah’s also up in court this week, how worried is she about that? Is she hoping to have Leanne’s support?

On the day she actually says to Leanne I don't need you there because I don't feel like you're supporting me, you're on the side of the institute, so essentially you're my enemy. There's a little bit of bravado because ultimately she does want the support of her sister.

Rowan interferes in this again on the day to make sure Leanne isn’t there for Toyah, how is she going to feel when she realises what he’s done?

This is just way too far, when I first read it I thought this is actually sickening and for me I just don't feel like he's getting his just desserts. As a viewer I'm finding it so frustrating that other than Nick, people just aren't listening to Toyah and it’s like she’s screaming into a void. It must be exhausting for her, she just feels like she’s banging her head against a brick wall.. She’s also dealing with the stress of having the burial for Rose, so she's got a lot going on. 

Are you looking forward to when a time comes that maybe Rowan is unmasked and Toyah is proved right? 

I can’t wait, it’s going to be so good to play. But I have to say, I’m loving working with Emrhys. We've had quite a few scenes now where they have a big stand off and they’re so delicious. Everything he's doing is just so understated but really creepy at the same time and subversive. He's also an absolute delight to be on set with, he's such a nice man in real life so I don’t want it to be too soon but when he is taken down I want it to be something massive and dramatic and humiliating.

Glenda Young
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