Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Monday 3 June 2024

ITV announce new storylines for The Women of Weatherfield


The women of Weatherfield take centre stage this month as secrets unfold, lies are unearthed and love is put to the test.

As relationships come under fire, we gathered the nine ladies at the forefront of the drama together to shoot this exclusive image and chat to us about their own friendships and life on the soap in 2024.

Leanne (Jane Danson) and Toyah (Georgia Taylor) Battersby first walked onto the cobbles in 1997 and as sisters have always had the fiercest of bonds. But with Leanne falling more and more under the spell of Rowan and the institute, and Toyah growing ever closer to Leanne’s fiance Nick as he supports her through her own trauma of the stillborn baby she last many years ago, is that bond about to face the ultimate test?

Since returning to Weatherfield, Bethany (Lucy Fallon) has been a rock for mum Sarah (Tina O’Brien) as she faced the heartbreak of partner Damon being sent down. But with Bethany’s evil abuser Nathan out of prison and making his presence felt, it’s been Sarah’s turn to step up for her daughter. Witnessing Bethany’s devastation at the hands of Nathan’s cruelty all over again, we’ve seen just how far Sarah will go to protect her daughter and how far Bethany will go in pursuit of the truth into the mystery surrounding missing teen Lauren’s disappearance.  

Carla (Alison King) and Dee-dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) came together as they fought to clear Roy’s name. With Roy now out of prison, cleared of any involvement in Lauren Bolton’s murder case, it’s time for both women to look to the future. For Carla that involves repairing her fractured relationship with Roy who is struggling to accept she lied to the police, despite the fact it was done to protect him. Dee-dee meanwhile is excited to throw herself back into her relationship with Joel now Roy has been released. But as Joel pops the question has she finally found her happy ever after?

Maria (Samia Longchambon), once a Connor herself, is fighting her own battle at home. Still desperately trying to be there for son Liam following his bullying ordeal, she’s also wracked with suspicion about the secrets husband Gary seems to be keeping as he grows closer to ex Sarah again. With Liam’s mental health having taken a turn for the worse and Maria’s fears seemingly confirmed, will Maria reached breaking point?  

Mums Abi (Sally Carman) and Bernie (Jane Hazelgrove) have previously bonded over their sons, the son Abi lost and the son Bernie is about to lose. As both confront their grief once more we’ll see them draw on the strength that the iconic women of Weatherfield are known for. With news of a documentary featuring her son’s killer Corey, Abi has been forced to relive Seb’s murder. But as she comes out fighting she was hit with another bombshell as deep fake videos of her circulate on the web, catapulting her family into a devastating chain of events. Bernie meanwhile is facing the unthinkable as Paul’s MND progresses and she can see the life draining out of her son. But with the child she gave up for adoption, Kit, now back on the scene and out for revenge will she get the time with Paul that she so desperately needs?

As the lives of these women interweave once more we see their power is their strength and the unbreakable bonds they share. 60 years on the women of Weatherfield still reign supreme. 

Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Fluttershy said...

Nice photo! No Jenny? No Daisy?

Anonymous said...

Same old same old - Platts and Battersbys. What about Nina, Asha, Amy, Mary?

Anonymous said...

What bonds?There hasn't been bonds of friendship featured on Corrie for years.
I also don't consider Sarah a 'strong Corrie woman'for wanting to break up Gary's and Maria's marriage because she's alone now.It's the same old same old with Sarah no growth in the character at all.


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