Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Saturday 14 September 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 13 September 2024

Good evening.  Billy is in a right two and eight because he failed to be with Paul when he died.  Everyone lies and assures Billy that Paul heard his last message.  Bernie is on a mission trying to sort out the funeral etc.  Todd tries to tell her that Billy needs to lead the process but she wants to get things done.  Daniel, Dee Dee and David all talk to Billy but he almost does not want to know.  Obviously the quads have to be told and Gemma having lost her twin is bereft.  Todd points out that death either divides people or brings them together and tries to ensure that all will work together.  After Billy leaves the flat Bernie makes a slip and admits that Paul had died before Billy said goodbye.  At the end Billy regrets his earlier harsh words and that he misses Paul so very much.  Bernie gets the closing shot as we know she is holding to a huge secret.

Talking of working together there is a moment when you think the knife Leanne is using to chop up a veggie chili might equally well be used to disembowel Toyah -  but the moment passes with no harm to anything other than the vegetables.  Again reconciliation is needed - but at the moment it seems a long way away.  Meanwhile in a brief visitation to the flat Nick reports that the police have charged Rowan with blackmail and fraud but the rest of the Institute continues to carry on its bad ways.  Toyah tells Leanne that some of the Institute teaching was not completely wackadoodle and it might be worth persisting with the positive elements.  

On the subject of reconciliation, Tracy, following prompting from Amy (who is going on a not-date with Aadi in Tracy's leather trousers) is going to give Tommy O another go [it is warmer in Spain and you can go to the beach in October] and will return to Spain.  Before she goes she runs into Steve in the pub and says that he needs to move on as well and as he always like gobby cows he should see the upside of getting together with Cassie.

Police IT specialists have proven that Joel was in using his phone to message Ellie.  To be honest I think the timeline has gone wonky as I thought he had left his old employer a long time before Ellie appeared on the scene but never mind.  Now DS Swain cannot interrogate the system to search for Ellie - so she talks to PC Tinker who has a quick google and not only finds out that Ellie was done for shoplifting and that Joel did represent her - but also tracks down her current address.  Amazing detective skills.  Armed with this knowledge DS Swain drops in on Ellie and achieves precisely nothing but over a pint in the Rovers Daniel explains that he may have another way of reaching Ellie, if it is the same girl via a connection who has an outreach programme to assist sex workers.  [Daniel if you are going to talk to Nicky please talk to Bethany first or she might take the 'ump].

Along at 9 Coronation Street Hope and Ruby do not want Dorin to go home tomorrow and try to get Ty to say he will stay.  Fiz is softening and suggests a holiday in Romania next summer.  However hiding in the yard Tyrone phones Adam and tells him that he wants to proceed with the Prohibited Steps Order to prevent Dorin leaving the country.  [Ty - it might be wise to discuss with Fiz first].

In other news during her brief visitation Tracy has organised a complete makeover of Preston's Petals including a huge expansion of the shop area and a completely new layout and change of furniture.  And I do not recall it being mentioned once or anyone explaining where the money came from.  The biggest change is that it seems much larger - I thought they used the actual "unit" behind the window - but this set would not fit there.  Can anyone tell me?

And in case it never happens again - Amy in leather trousers.

That's it for tonight.  I am off to Belfast in the morning for a few days but plan to be back here this time next week.

Written by Ella Greenhill and Steven Fay.  Directed by David Kester.



Humpty Dumpty said...

I don't think we've had a scene between Leanne and Toyah where they have discussed Toyah's pregnancy which was then diagnosed as cancer. Is this yet to come or maybe I've missed it. Leanne might ask what Toyah and Nick planned to do if there had been a baby. The disagreement between Bernie and Billy about the funeral seems to be heralding another issue-based storyline: make a will while you can and appoint the executors who are going to carry out your wishes as it's executors who make the final decisions about funerals. With Dee Dee, George, Todd, Adam - all relevant professionals - living on the street, this would surely have been raised. Again, maybe I missed it.

Anonymous said...

No you didn't miss it. Yet another example of the writers not doing proper research.
Never mind taking down the Institute - why didn't Leanne ask if Amy will get her money back?


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