Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Sunday 22 September 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 20 September 2024

Good evening.  Tonight saw Betsy admit (having been identified by Max as Lauren's visitor in the last episode) first to Carla and then to DS Swain that she had ordered the drugs which Joel administered to Lauren.  Swain with her professional head on is pleased and once again she descends on Joel, this time arresting him formally.  During questioning Joel denies everything and decides to inform DS Swain that Betsy ordered the drugs for herself as she was pregnant and it was nothing to do with Lauren.  Pretty shabby but DS Swain then plays the recording from the drug supplier of the phone call Betsy made where Joel can be heard giving name and his (then) address for delivery of the drugs.  Regrettably the current charge is insufficiently serious to contemplate holding Joel in custody and so he is released on bail during which no doubt he will seek to browbeat and influence the girls who are willing to testify against him.

In ignorance of the net closing on Joel, Lauren is in front of social services in the shape of Ruth, who delivers the opinion that she is currently considered an unsafe mother and who probably sought to endanger the life of Frankie so want her to move to a mother and baby unit for a period once Frankie is discharged.  Dee Dee makes an offer during the Social Services interview - once discharged from the unit Lauren and Frankie can join her in her flat above the corner shop.  There seems to be a growing closeness between Max and Lauren as well as he is visiting her several times in the episode.  

Ryan is suffering from using the sofa at Carla's and has the incredibly bright idea that with Kit moving on he could move into the Rovers.  Daisy is not keen to be living and working with her partner and her reluctance along with the way he saw her behave with Daniel earlier in the week leads Ryan to conclude that whilst the two of them were incredibly shaken by the events around the acid attack it has been misinterpreted and that she really hold feelings for Daniel,  Ryan knows Daisy loves him and he loves Daisy - but Ryan cannot get over knowing that she also loves Daniel. So this is the end, which leaves Ryan stuck on Carla's sofa every night instead of now and again.

Hope (13 going on 53) is told off for vaping by the lockers at school by Sam (13) and Jack (14) although the latter hid her vape in his locker.  Sam tells us all that Acrolein, a weed killer, formaldehyde, used in embalming bodies are in the vape - but he does not get to finish the list.  Later Cassie turns out her PE kit and finds the vape and confronts Hope with it.  Bang to rights.  Hope claims it is Jack's but that crumbles in seconds.  Interestingly Cassie consults Ken for advice and later does a deal with Hope - Cassie will say nothing to Tyrone if Hope promises never to vape again which she does (probably with her fingers crossed behind her back).  

Bernie is recalling some of the more outrageous funerals she has attended in the past when Summer arrives with a lot of Paul's clothing but clearly Summer is struggling to hold it together.  Bernie that the hat smells of Paul - but he did wear it for five years.  Bernie wishes Paul had laid down his funeral plan.  And the word compromise is mentioned.  Later Summer is seen crying and Asha visits to reassure her that whilst she might want to be strong for Billy this is the third parent she has lost and she still has two Dads around!  Asha and Nina have made her a cushion from Paul's shirts!

Betsy remains really worried about Frankie and when Max and Lauren return to the ward Lauren spies a nurse attending to Frankie but all is well and she says perhaps Lauren would like to hold him for the first time?  Later she shows Dee Dee the pictures of her holding Frankie and in return she is told that Joel has been charged - and Lauren looks terribly apprehensive of the immediate future.

Ryan tells Carla that he and Daisy have split whilst at the Rovers Daisy, having been dumped twice in a row!) admits to Jenny that Ryan has a point - she has never stopped thinking of Daniel.  She concludes that it is a mess.  

Since last week I have visited Belfast for the first time ever.  For those who have never been I would say that it is a rather special city.  Impressive Victorian architecture from a time when the city was riding the waves of the linen and shipbuilding industries; the history we all know of oppression through the period from before to creation of the Irish Free State to the Good Friday Agreement and the less well known story of the cooperation and rebuilding so obvious in the last 25 years.  Young, knowledgeable, welcoming staff in the hospitality industry plus the Giant's Causeway and the wonderful countryside around the Antrim Coast.  I like to hope that the murals which are displayed are more to remind us of the "Bad Times" than to underpin current antagonism.  Certainly our guides made it clear that the general feeling is that the politicians need to keep finding ways of working together and for the devolved coalition to function but admit it stops every so often.  If you have never been then go!

Written by Julie Jones and Susan Oudot.  Directed by Vicky Thomas.


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