Here's some news to cheer up a soggy summer's day in Britain. Not. Digital Spy reports that everyone's favourite yo-yo character, Nice Becky/Nutty Becky will lose the plot yet again this summer. Mad Mrs Mac now has baby Hope in her sights which means it's time to bring on that old Corrie classic, the baby kidnapping. This plot device often gets wheeled out and we can shuffle back as far as 1962 when little Christopher Hewitt (who must now be knocking on fifty) was snatched. Even Tracey-luv was grabbed back in 1979 from outside the Rovers (cue a hoarse Deirdre croaking "Traceee" from the midst of a pile of planks).
Personally, now I know that Becky is a short-term prospect on the Street, I just want her to pack her bags and go. Enough already. We still have another six months of Becky-related stories. What else do the storyliners have lined up for viewers? Becky the international terrorist? Becky being unveiled as Carla's lesbian lover? Becky giving birth to a three-headed reptile?
Or maybe she might just climb into the back of a cab and disappear forever. We can hope.
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For god's sake. Just get rid of Becky and be done with it.
'Or maybe she might just climb into the back of a cab and disappear forever. We can hope.'
a great big AMEN to that!!!
I have never been so tired of a character..ever
outrageous straw grasping.
I know, she can have Nick's baby after their "date", sell the unborn baby to Gail, do a runner with Hope to France, abandon Hope there with Claire, and take up where her sister left off as a cage dancer [having had another unfortunate miscarriage]. Claire can make a guest appearance to return Hope to Fiz, in jail. At Corrie's storyline speed of late, we can have Becky wrapped up in a month. Good riddance.
Never mind more misery for Becky - it's more misery for us, the viewers. For pity's sake get rid of this revolting, selfish, spiteful character while there are still a few viewers left!!!
Oh dear the blinkered powers that be just cannot see that the viewers are totally sick of this character. And whose baby does she kidnap, is it Maxhay who is never mentioned now. David has obviously got over his total obsession to "make them a proper family" and reunite Kylie with her son.
It really takes some doing to have a supposedly non-villainous character who is so bad that she has made Tracy look like the sane one in comparison on a number of occasions. Speaking of insanity, whoever at Corrie thinks that psycho Becky is TV gold wants their head examined.
I've been enjoying the last few weeks of Corrie, which have radically improved due to Becky's appearances being comparatively low-key, letting more compelling characters come centre-stage. This, combined with the admission a day or two ago that the show had too much crime, got me hoping that we'd see a somewhat less histrionic and OTT show for the foreseeable future... sadly not if this bizarre storyline goes ahead.
Why announce this so damned soon after saying they're going to reduce the crime content in the programme? Duh!
Ohhhh Noooo, please say it isn't so! Sounds totally ridiculous (AGAIN). Just when you thought it was safe to come out from behind your sofa and start watching Corrie again.... And what about poor little Max, he's been forgotten by all has he? David's non existant epilepsy has brought on amnesia!
What was it that Phil Collinson was saying in the press only yesterday, something about there being a tad too much crime in the past 12 months..... Did he also forget about this story being in the pipeline?
All that flamin fuss about there being too many gays in the show (4!) - too much Becky and this kind of rubbish more like - but I guess we won't see articles in the Guardian about her and her nonsense and all the other trash that's brought the show down!
Since Corrie began people have been signed for short term contracts, usually just a few episodes but the actors have made such an instant impression on the viewers that they got snapped up for longer - Katherine/Becky was an instant hit when she first appeared on screen endlessly chewing gum but still managing to smoke her beloved ciggies at the same time.
After her first brief appearances I knew she would be back full time cos she had that 'magic' that sucks us in and makes us want to know more about the character. You all know what I'm talking about - that 'je ne sais quoi' that turns an 'extra' into a 'next star'.
She was brilliant for the first few years, we loved her but the character has been ruined now and I don't blame Katherine - I don't even blame the writers, I place the blame at the feet of the producer.
Phil Coulsons' stint at the helm has been like a 'Monstrous Carabuncle on the face of a much loved friend' - I quote an erstwhile extra from yore xx
I'm sure that the actress will be relieved to spend a day without screaming/crying/attacking someone.. she's really a talented actress, it's just a shame that they drove her character into the ground...
Rebecca in TO
I think its time for Becky to go and never come back. I just don't like watching or listening to her.
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