Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Sunday 14 March 2021

Corrie Comicals week ending 12 March 2021

Ken is extolling the virtues of retirement - only do one job a day - ration the excitement - indeed today he has been to library and the chemist.  Nice to know libraries are open in Weatherfield.  I went to the chemist on Saturday.  They gave me a little brown bag and as I pointed out it was not large enough they went and found the rest of the prescription - in lockdown that is really exciting activity!

As a concerned employer Nick is checking that Kirk has not suffered in slipping on the leaking double glammy products.  Are you confused Kirk - to which Sean responds "I think you'll find that's the way he always looks".  Which is largely true.  Kirk not looking confused is highly unexpected - and would confuse me if he looked any other way!

Sarah that is not very nice.  Losing a dog is never a happy event.  After our second one passed away we took up being home boarders so dogs could come and stay when their owners went on foreign holidays (oddly no bookings at the moment).  The best bit we assured ourselves is we would never be upset when the dear old doggie shuffled off this mortal coil.  Except that the owners ring us up to let us know that they won't be booking their hound in again as they have died.  And with some of our favourites we get quite upset!

Corey briefly reappeared to firstly digest the news that Asha was now attracted to a woman - and then made disparaging remarks about Nina - remarking how Asha was always frigid and having a quick visit to her coffin and consorting with the undead who was even colder!  Nina did not find it funny and told him to leave - he went but observed that the worst she could do was fly into his bedroom and bite his neck.

As Harvey will point out later in the programme if you do not play according to Harvey's rules then he will honk a car horn at you and take you for a restorative drive to some unknown location without a CCTV camera where he will adjust your good looks with a heft dose of violence and later if you are still alive will dump you in the forecourt of the local hospital (or nearby - again where there are no cameras).

Roy and Nina spent some time on Friday debating the delights of chilli con carne or for the undead vegetarians amongst us chilli sin carne.  Indeed Roy is so passionate about the dish that he had to go and buy extra rice from the wholesalers and on the days it is the special on the menu then chips should not be served.  But as Nina counters above in true homage to Benidorm - it has to be rice and chips.  There is no alternative!

A little flat this week but I agree with Steve, Peter acting ill with toxins is very similar to Peter acting drunk and it is very easy to confuse the two!

Written by: Susan Oudot & Mark Burt (Monday); Simon Crowther & Chris Fewtrell (Wednesday); Debbie Oates & Ellen Taylor (Friday)
Directed by: Peter Rose (Monday); Alex Browning (Wednesday); Karl Neilson (Friday)


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