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Sunday 8 April 2012

What's next for Steve and Tracy?

I've been thinking. And that usually leads to a blog post wherein I ramble a bit. Today's ramble is a musing on what might happen with Steve and Tracy, as individual characters, not as a couple. I definitely think they should not be together and I shall be very disappointed if they are thrown back at each other.

So for your perusal, I offer you this blog post.  What do you think should happen to them? Should Steve find the love of his life or is he better off alone? Should Tracy land back in the nick or should she stick around and make life miserable for everyone?

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Anonymous said...

GOOD blog!

I'd like to see Steve happy with someone nice ... but he has chosen some pretty "agitated" women!

As for Tracy .... I'd like to see her run over by a bus. Can't stand the character at all. Here in Canada, we're right at the whole accusing Becky of killing the twins storyline ... and it reminded me again just how despicable she is.

~JB in Canada

Plutonian said...

I love Tracey. I love all the evil ones - they make the Street more interesting! Kirsty is shaping up to be a real corker! However, I also like it when the evil ones redeem themselves and become good ones (like Kylie Platt, who I ADORE), so I'd like to see this happen to Tracey, so she's not so one-dimensional.

I'd like to see her and Steve have another go at it, frankly, and then the path is clear for Kirsty to be the Queen of Evil *cackle"

Humpty Dumpty said...

If they'd wanted to make Tracy sympathetic, they should have given her a story line where she helps her brother because she does seem to care about Peter. But it didn't go that way and she's become very boring and, as Tvor says, her acting skills don't add anything. I don't think it really matters what her exit is as long as she has one. One thing that would put her off Steve is if he became a father again. That would mean him finding a new partner and I could see him with a young version of Anna. He's middle aged now and could be looking for a quiet life.

corrierules said...

Leanne and Steve. There. I've said it.

Anonymous said...

Humpty you're on a roll. Another great idea. So sick of seeing Steve with mean, psycho woman. He's been around the block a few times, has a wicked sense of humour and I'd love to see him settle down and have a baby with an Anna type. Someone who's nice but very strong. Someone who won't put up with any cr*p off Tracy.

I think Steve is always going to gravitate to strong women and end up with someone who will be the one wearing the pants, but that doesn't mean they must necessarily be nasty. Nice with an edge does not have to equal boring!!

Steve and his new biddy should get custody of Amy and I think Tracy should stick around long enough to be firmly put in her place, maybe even carted off to prison for some attempted GBH on the new Mrs McDonald.

Steve & there's a thought.

Anonymous said...

Steve, leanne, amy and simon

kickingrabbit said...

I love the idea of Steve and Leanne. Tracy needs to have something painful and immediate happen to her. Boring character, terrible acting - the fact that an "evil" character is boring indicates it's time to go!

Anonymous said...

Was a paternity test ever done on Amy? I would love to find out she's not even Steve's kid. Then we can get rid of Tracy ( and I'd LOVE to see her back in jail!) and find someone nice for Steve

Rachel said...

Tracey would be a million times better if played by someone with the acting ability of Alison King rather than Kate Ford.

Surprised that the character hasn't had anything to say about the death of Frank considering she was dating him for a while.

Anonymous said...

I also was wondering why Steve never had a paternity or DNA test done on Amy. But, Steve is an idiot. I think the writers could explore this further...might make for interesting viewing and high ratings. I'd watch the fallout for sure.
I really like the character of Tracy tho...she can deliver a scathing line like no one else (except David).

ChiaGwen said...

I said a while ago I thought Leanne and Steve would be good together - after Tracy's run over by that bus then Amy would be with Steve full-time - Peter and Carla would be too pickled to look after Simon so he could be with Steve and Leanne - a nice little family unit!

Anna in nz said...

I can't see Leanne and Steve together at all. It'd just be wrong.

But then again I think of Molly and Kevin. That was just wrong too.

Anonymous said...

No to Leanne and Steve. Why do the writers feel they have to pair someone with a character already in the street? They need to cut out a lot of dead wood (Stella would be top of my hit list together with Karl,Sunita,Sophie Webster,the underwhelming daughter of Anna who has made such an impact on me I can't recall her name -to name but a few).Time for a Spring clean writers.

Frosty the Snowman said...

Havent Steve and Leanne already had a thing? It was when she was a junkie and it led to the Jed Quigley story? Tracy is an unpleasant character and if they had insisted on resurrecting her from prison on a very flimsy excuse then they should have recast her again - simple as - Kate Ford is a spectacularly poor and weak actress and lets the cast down with her am dram acting "talents".

Chris said...

I think they need to take Tracy in particular in a new direction. I think she should open the florists with Nick investing in it. Imagine Nick and Tracy working together, with the Barlows and Platt's being dragged together = comedy gold.

Giving Tracy something to focus on, she would relax and become a nicer person. I'd like to see her genuinely fall in love with Darren, Carla's brother. And for them to make a decent, sparky couple. They should also focus on building up her relationships. Let her and Beth become genuine supportive friends with banter of disliking one another and rebuild her relationship with Emily.

We need a Steve break, put him in the background for a while, he's been such a heavy focus over the past few years. Lets see him, Lloyd and Eileen back in streetcars having fun.

In a year or two they should bring back Karen. Giving both Steve and Tracy new material.

Anonymous said...

My problem with Tracy has always been that she committed pre-meditated murder.. and not for reasons that anyone could ever view as justifiable (her boyfriend cheated on her??). That pretty much ended her for me, and every time I see her on screen I think "what is she still there?" The character is utterly vile and self-centred, and we're supposed to find it funny? She has also ruined Deirdre for me.. I can't see her as anything but a spineless joke now! I will only be happy if the character is killed off or goes back to prison.. this time for good!

Anonymous said...

Tracy and Nick. Steve needs to go on vaycay.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant Leanne and Nick.

Anonymous said...

I think that steve and tracy should get back together it will be a change for amy 2 have a family with mum and dad Plus it will be funny lol


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