Am I the only Coronation Street fan who thinks this?
Maybe I need to get out? Answers on a postcard, please.
It's just that every time I see a picture of the two cartoon characters from Frozen, above, it always puts me in mind of these two, below...
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Yes, but Elsa and Anna are likeable.
Lol nice one!
I like Sarah and Bethany a lot.
Even stroppy, selfish 14 year olds have at least one bit of their lives that redeems them to the world. It can be their pet, or a grandparent etc. Craig always had Daryl, his rat; Chesney had his dog. In real life, young tearaways can be really soft-hearted about their nan or granddad. I'd like to see Bethany develop a close relationship with Audrey. She's elegant, always well turned out and has done extremely well for herself. It would be a nice touch if the only person Bethany listens to is her great-gran. As for Sarah, almost ruined already.
What is there to like FN? Both are totally selfish, horrible characters with no redeeming features at all.
Nooooooo! Please don't ruin the perfect Frozen with a comparison to these two horrific characters, who are unwatchable, unlikable, and unbelievably annoying. The worst part is all the adults who say nothing to Bethany as she speaks so rudely to them, ALL the time. It is abhorrent.
Agree with everyone... Sarah and Beth are so unpleasant and nasty, can't abide them. It's hard to believe Bethany and Faye are meant to be only a year apart in age. If only the writers could make them a little more sympathetic, I might actually care about them. Susan.
can they both get 'frozen' like anne malone in the freezer! (check corriepedia if you don't get it ;) -John H
s'true, Sarah hasn't been very sympathetic and she really hasn't changed. Bethany is very like her mother only a bit more so.
It's weird, because I was one of the (apparently few) people who liked Gloria, but I absolutely cannot abide these two. I'm not sure what the difference is, other than perhaps Sue Johnstone has some comedic skill. I agree with Humpty -- they need to give Bethany some sort of soft edge. She is still a child, after all, even if she's on the verge of adulthood.
There are several things that both do which really really annoy me - apart from the way both, especially Bethany, speak to others - and that's Sarah's constant smirking when she says her lines, it's like a schoolchild saying lines in a school play. And with Bethany, it's the bl**dy eye-rolling. Please, Directors, have a word with both actresses, TELL THEM TO STOP. It's enough to put me off watching.
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