Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Are YOU in the Corrie Closet?

No, I'm not talking about the closet (or cupboard) that Corrie writers seem to throw our characters in when they're not of use for quite some time.

I'm taking about Closet-ed Corrie viewers. Corrie viewers that keep their Corrie viewing a secret for whatever reason. I came across an article written by a man about how much he enjoys DVR (digital video recorder - to record TV to watch later), and thanks to it, he can watch all of his "secret" unmanly shows that he doesn't want people to know he watches. Among those shows, Coronation Street was listed as a "secret" show that men his age secretly watch.

It got me thinking. Are you Corrie Closeted? I assume if you're on this blog, you might be quite "out" about your preferred viewership, but I could be wrong. This could be an anonymous way to get in your Corrie goodness without anyone in your immediate circle knowing!

Well, I'm definitely "out" as far as my love for Coronation Street is concerned, but I might get red in the face if anyone found out how much terrible reality TV I love to watch, or how I never miss an episode of Antiques Roadshow. Or that I own the entire DVD box sets for Little House on the Prairie (my mother bought them for me, I swear). And don't even get me started with movies! I watched Twilight at home, by myself, with curtains drawn!

Why are a lot of Corrie fans closeted? For the same reasons as the man in the last article, because a show like Corrie isn't "manly?" Maybe you're a young person, and think that watching Corrie, or soaps, is something exclusive to nursing homes? Or maybe you're an intellectual who, while finding Corrie an enjoyable guilty pleasure would never admit to filling your time with seemingly unintellectual fare? Or are you one of those "excuse" watchers? Such as those husbands who watch the show with their wives, truly love the show, but just tell people he watches it only cause his wife's got it on all the time?

If you're closeted, tell us why! (don't worry, you can stay anonymous!)


balvert said...

Sorry to interrupt, but is that Molly Dobbs on the TV screen pictured?

Layman Battler said...

Yeah, I reckon that's from the scene where she's hiding in the back of the car.

I'm half-in, half-out, personally.

abbyk said...

Out and proud.

Glenda Young said...

Flag-waving, whistle-blowing, out and proud.

Tvor said...

I couldn't be more out!

Unknown said...

Corrie is the only show I admit to watching regularly

Clare said...

Well and truly out and i get laughed at alot by people my age (i'm 18). I do know people on other Corrie fanbased sites around my age that aren't 'out' about it, people around them know they watch it but not that they scour the net for gossip or frantically watch on itvplayer happen they miss an episode.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's Molly on the screen hiding away in the boot of a car late last June.

corrierules said...

I have a float in the Corrie Pride parade!

Anonymous said...

Whilst I was working away for a couple of months for work, my husband admitted to me that he put it on - as he was so used to it being on whilst I was there he was a bit lost wiihtout it.

Anonymous said...



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