Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Wednesday 5 June

Coronation Street, Wednesday June 5th 2013

THERE’S DEVASTATING NEWS ABOUT JAKE. When Jake starts bringing his milk back up he’s diagnosed with a bowel infection. Panicking Izzy calls Tina with the news. It hits her like a ton of bricks and Tina rushes to the hospital where they hear Jake’s deteriorated further and needs surgery, there’s a 50% chance of survival. Tina’s horrified and Tommy worries as she’s drawn back into the baby’s life.
KARL FEARS THAT JUSTICE IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. Despite Karl’s warning,a determined Dev’s undeterred as he doorsteps Paul, asking questions about the fire. Paul and Eileen are upset by the reminder of Toni’s death. Witnessing this Karl begs Dev to stop, claiming his digging is upsetting Stella too. Will Dev agree to end his crusade before Karl’s panic inflames Stella’s suspicions?
CARLA PUTS THE WORD OUT ABOUT ROB. Rob’s aware his money won’t last long and tells Tracy he needs a job fast. Rob starts ringing round for work but when Carla’s called upon for a reference will she stick the knife into Rob?
Elsewhere when Sean lets slip to Maria about Ben’s wedding reception she asks Marcus about why he didn’t mention the invite. Will Marcus come clean? Eileen throws herself into cleaning in a bid to banish her insomnia.

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Newfy Pearl said...

Thanks for the update!
Stories I would love to see on Corrie:
1. Dev struggles with feelings for Mary as she is not his typical type then woos her with grand romantic gestures - something which Mary is craving.
2. Gail shows interest in Paul as she is impressed with his heroic job and the battle begins (again) between Gail and Eileen.
3. Michelle and Peter have affair and Rob is only one that Carla feels she can trust.
This is my wish about the rest of you. What is your top three fantasy storylines? :-)

Anonymous said...

Tracy dies.

Anonymous said...

The cops portrayed in this show are the most incompetent force in the country. Super Dev will solve the crime, clear his wives name and save Stella from the evil clutches of her demented husband, all while looking mournfully towards the heavens...Sunita..this was for you baby, I will always love you or some such icky line will come pouring from his mouth. Then we can finally put an end to this...yay!!!

Chatty Kathy said...

@ Anonymous 12:29

What Dev would actually say is "I did this for my Sunita!"

I posted this on another thread yesterday, but I'd love to see Sally wrongfully accused of something, and no one believes her, and everyone on the street maliciously gossips about her, and they get it all wrong. Her friends desert her, even those she's known for many years. Payback's a bitch, Sally, and so are you.

My other dream story is that Tracy, Beth, and Boria all die.

Janice. said...

This Tina keeping the baby thing was predicted by me seven months ago. I want script writing credit.

Anonymous said...

Trashy, Boria and Stale-la will die slow, horrible deaths. Not the tube up the nose hospital ones, but slow torture where they are held accountable for the crapulence inflicted upon the viewers.


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