Friday 1 December 2017

Surprise new woman for Daniel on Coronation Street

I've never reckoned much to Sinead and Daniel together as a couple. Mind you, I don't reckon much to Sinead and Chesney either. But then, I don't rate Sinead so you can probably guess where my problem stems from.

And so when I saw this teaser today I was quite pleased, to say the least.

Digital Spy reports that Coronation Street is lining up a surprise new love interest for Daniel Osbourne.

Corrie producer Kate Oates says: "She's unexpected. I think that people will go, 'Oh! That's a slightly crazy pairing!' I don't want to give too much away. It's one of those slightly unusual dynamics where, if you think about it, you can see what each of them is getting out of the relationship, but on paper you might think, 'Oh, that's a surprise'.

"But I would encourage the viewers who are wrong-footed by it, in a way that they are uncomfortable with it, to think about what each character might be getting out of this little fling and it will hopefully make more sense."

I wonder who it could be? Might it be Tracy, as she and Daniel aren't actually blood-related.  Ken is Daniel's biological dad but only step-dad to Tracy.  I wonder...

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  1. I really hope it’s not Carla...

  2. If it's a "did not see that one coming" scenario, my first thought is Audrey - but only because Emily is still in Peru. ;-)

    Anyroad, I hope it's at least someone who is not already in a relationship this time.

    And I also hope Daniel won't get the regularly recycled "let's have someone shack up with Maria for a while so she gets some screentime" script.

    Perhaps it'll be Rosie Webster. Or Mary even. Or Carla could set her sights on him upon her return.

  3. Michelle? Hoрe not! Bethany more likely

  4. I love Daniel so i'm really looking forward to seeing him on screen more.

    But, please not Tracey, that would just be toooo crazy!!

  5. It is Gemma, having acquired a taste for posh she takes on Daniel.

  6. A slightly crazy pairing could mean Daniel and Rosie. She used to be a bright kid so could hold her own with him, and he might learn to loosen up a little. Might work. Daniel's incredibly boring atm and I just hope he doesn't drag Rosie down.

  7. Ha ha...I'm going to say Yasmeen! But really, Rosie is more likely.

  8. Daniel is lucky he's cute because he's a mess otherwise. I hope Rosie ends up with Adam and I like Alia with Luke so that only leaves Bethany, Sarah or Izzy for Daniel and Izzy is the only one we haven't seen much of lately so...Daniel and Izzy??

  9. It is Audrey.

  10. I think Chesney or Sean.

  11. Another report said the romance would be with a 'returning character.' If true, it has to be Carla. How hilarious!

  12. Gail? Wasn't Jason once making a play for her while building something at her apartment??

  13. Perhaps Sophie might try batting for the other team. She’s been going through a long drought patch lately.

  14. I think it's Carla. Might be interesting given her history with Peter.

  15. Jeanie (anon):

    Rosie. She's a returning character too and hasn't had much to do lately. Plus her ditzy nature is what makes the pairing seem unlikely. But they could hit it off.

    Carla...that's just yucky on so many levels!

    1. Why is it ‘yucky’, Jeanie? Any more yucky than Johnny & Jenny? Or Mike Baldwin and Susan Barlow back in the day? Or Ken & Dierdre, come to that. You don’t think a lad of Daniel’s age might find a woman like Carla attractive? Or that she might be attracted to his intelligent, dead-pan humour - this being Carla, Mistress of Sarcasm? They’re also both damaged individuals with a fraught relationship with their respective families.

  16. Yes, Rosie! I dreaded her return, but now feel we don't see enough of her!

  17. I kinda don't want it to be Carla because I like Daniel's relationship with Peter. That might put a wrench in it.
