Saturday 2 December 2017

Coronation Street spoiler: Break in at the Bistro

The previews are in – super early as Corrie gears up for Christmas - for next week’s Coronation Street. And Michelle resorts to desperate measures.

Robert tries to justify his actions to Michelle saying he was scared about the operation and he wouldn’t blame her if she left him. She says that they are in this together and when no one's looking she breaks the card machine at the Bistro and says everyone has to pay by cash. 

Later when everyone has gone Rana and Kate have a secret rendezvous but they are interrupted by a dark figure emptying the full till. As the thief makes to escape, Kate smashes them over the head with a bottle and the girls escape. 

When Robert reveals to Michelle that the insurance company are going to pay out on the robbery he vows to get his act together.

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  1. Not a good disguise. Obviously Michelle from the eyeliner LOL!

    1. Lol! And she has all the black clothing needed to pull off this look.

  2. Another robbery at the Bistro? This place must do quite the business!

  3. So they are now turning Michelle into a thief along with all the other characters who have been totally changed over the last year! Pffft!
