Saturday 7 October 2017

Denise Black - from Corrie to Chekhov

Denise Black, who played Denise Osbourne in Coronation Street, was back on the Street for far too short a length of time, in my opinion. I rate her as a cracking actress and a fantastic character too and was hoping for a bit of romance between Denise and Ken when she returned to the show earlier this year.

But alas, it was not to be.

Denise is a hard-working actress who isn't short of work, however, away from Weatherfield. And she's going to be starring on stage in The Cherry Orchard which opens on Friday 13 October at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff.  You can find out more here.

This new version of The Cherry Orchard places the action in another time on the cusp of huge social change - early 80s Britain at the outset of Margaret Thatcher’s regime.

Denise will play the role of Rainey and she said: "Rainey is a dream come true for any actress and I'm lucky to be the first Rainey but no doubt there will be others."

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1 comment:

  1. I really did not care of Denise at all. I cannot understand her leaving poor Daniel to fend for himself for so long. Then she was a further drain on him emotionally when she returned. Glad she did not stay.
