Saturday 7 October 2017

Bethany, Shona and Mel - What lies ahead?

Just like everyone else, I was delighted to hear the guilty verdicts for Nathan, Neil and crew. I did though want to hear for how long they were sentenced and to hear the words, ‘Take them down.’ Still, there was a beautifully touching moment, after the verdict, when Bethany and Sarah hugged each other for a long time, because, with Nathan and crew locked away, their involvement in her life is over. The relief was palpable and justice was done. Nathan, Neil and the crew will endure long sentences and, for now, the girls they might have captured and abused are safe, at least from them. A vacuum has been created though, and it won’t and can’t be long before it’s filled. That’s life, sadly.

Bethany over time, will hopefully recover. It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick When Bethany said she was ‘lucky’ in court and the barrister tried to distort her meaning, we know what she meant. She was lucky in the sense that she had a supportive family. Mel doesn’t have a supportive family and Nathan was quick to point out, that whereas Bethany did have a family who love her, that was not the case for Mel. Hardened as she seems, she was still in thrall to Nathan: obedient to him, terrified of him and totally used by him, believing herself to be in love with him.

Image result for picture of mel coronation street

Mel’s circumstances are nowhere near as favourable as Bethany’s. Will we hear about her again? Will we find out if Mel can recover? In time, might she and Bethany gain strength from each other? Of the three girls, Mel is the least fortunate. We have heard nothing of any family ties. Our last sighting of her was when she had a change of heart and let Bethany out of the car in which she’d tried to kidnap her, in order to prevent her giving evidence in court against Nathan, Neil and co. So, what now for Mel? Where will she go? How will she earn a living? Does she have friends she can turn to? She is the most damaged of the three girls and it’s my sense that she will take a long time to recover. She’ll surely come to realise just how much she has been abused and used and perhaps those people who work with abused women will help her – but, first of all, Mel will have to have the courage to present herself. I don’t believe she is a bad person – just someone who was absorbed into Nathan’s sick world. She believed that the manipulative, exploitative Nathan actually loved her, rather than seeing the reality that Nathan loved just 2 things – money and himself.

Coronation Street's Julia Goulding talks about Shona Ramsey's shock revelation

And what of Shona? Shona seems to me to be a different kind of female. She and David seem to be going well. That Shona is Clayton’s mother, is not something either of them can forget. David’s feelings for Shona seem strong; strong enough to overcome the fact that she is Clayton’s mother. They seem well suited. Shona makes an effort with Max and Lily, which must warm David’s heart. Perhaps because she is older than Bethany and more aware of how the world works, as well as having given birth aged 13, Shona appears to be made of tough stuff. She showed her good heartedness when she tried to rescue Bethany, and was in no doubt what the consequences would be if found out – namely, a good beating by 2 of Nathan’s henchmen. There is though the threat of Clayton’s father hanging over her and his knowledge that she won a reasonable amount of money. He does seem a threatening individual, and I’m certain we’ll see more of him. I can’t leave this post without a mention of Lara. !4 years old – exploited and abused. Nathan had made her life so unbearable, that at her tender age, she can bear life no more, and jumps in front of a train.

By Ruth Owen, Twitter: @ruth1722


  1. Bethany is fine as a character, far better than Sarah whose life revolves around partners. Bethany has lots of options to explore. Mel will disappear and only be brought back if the writers can do something in the future with her. Atm, her story arc is over. Shona is the real problem. She and David still don't work for me. They're wrong and it's their 'wrongness' that will eventually break them up, probably in spectacular fashion. Are they part of the Christmas fireworks?

  2. I agree Humpty that Shona and David don't convince. She seems too old for him, but in terms of actual age, they are about the same. Is it that we're so used to seeing David with Kylie? Or something else entirely? It's hard to say exactly what's wrong in this pairing.

  3. boris the spider7 October 2017 at 18:22

    I don't like Shona full stop but I particularly don't like her with David. To me, it is way beyond the realms of possibility that he would EVER be interested in her. Apart from the fact of being Kylie's murderer's mother (a fact that can never be erased) even if that wasn't the case, she is just too unconvincing as a possible paramour for David, she's old in her looks, her ways, just everything. So totally wrong for him and so rough. The way she speaks to him, is like she's his mother, not his lover. And, trying not to be too personal, those teeth!

  4. I thought she looked lovely last night wearing the white blazer that Gail gave her. The little family is going along nicely with Shona included. I think it would be interesting to see a scene where Sarah and Shona talk about having babies at 13 and how Sarah did much better because of her family's support. She is growing on me with David.

  5. Jeanie (anon):

    Shona is too bland, insipid and the actress who plays her doesn't seem to have much spark or fire--she often seems like she is just wandering through, looking at the scenery, occasionally smiling in a vague, slightly condescending way at the antics of Gail, Yasmeen, and Roy. But overall, I think the problem with Shona is that the character itself has too many inconsistencies and was poorly conceived. She came in as a desperate drifter, living on the street and reduced to coming on to men in a club and stealing their wallets. Then it turns out she was once of Nathan's girls--despite her age, experience, and street savvy--certainly not his usual type (young vulnerable girls). Then she develops this sweet gentle persona, completely at odds with her background. Then acquires a son who doesn't look much younger and a lover who looks like her son. Plus a back story about Clayton that just doesn't make any sense--she was a wonderful mom who doted on her son till he suddenly turned on her, moved in with his father, and became a killer at 15! Now in her new glammed up version, she's even harder to fathom! Who is she? The woman with a background that should make her rougher and even more unscrupulous than Kylie or Beth? The elegant graceful woman with beautiful hair and a classic wardrobe? The soft-spoken and patient server of Roy's? The character just doesn't hold together--and I'm guessing she'll be gone within a half year or so, because she doesn't work.

  6. Meanies, I agree with everything you say. And yes, she is hard to fathom, and to David she appears more like his career than his girlfriend. I just don't buy it. And the back story is perhaps even more unconvincing.

  7. I meant Jeanie, not Meanies for goodness sake! Sorry Jeanie!

  8. Bethany has the support of her family so I hope she'll get past this.
    Sorry, but I don't care what happens to Mel.She's not brainwashed,she's selfish and was willing to see young girls, even one younger than Bethany,endangered as long as she got what she wanted. If Nathan had been out on bail and helping her instead of needing her help. Bethany would be dead by now.So what if she had no family? She's had years to seek prifessional help.Mel looks like she's pushing thirty so her mummy and daddy wouldn't have been holding her hand at this point.
    Shona and David don't work and they couldn't unless he gets a personality transplant. If David was the sort to accept shades of gray in his relationships he wouldn't have had nearly as many conflicts with people including kicking Kylie out for taking Max's pills. He was ready to kill Clayton even if it meant dying in the process but we're to believe he would think nothing of making Shona a mother to his children as well as their mother's killer. That's just not him.

  9. Maybe Mel will have that moment where she realizes what Nathan has really done to her, maybe she’ll be back someday, relying on herself and not someone else. I do like Shona, they just need to work her character out more.

  10. I like Shona. I like her with David. I wish people on here would give her a chance. Bethany got a lot of negative comments on her when she arrived from Milan, and wow, look at her now

    1. I also like Shona. I think the actress playing her definitely acts quite well and can probably do even better. I just don't agree with this pairing. It might work if Corrie was a movie where things get wrapped up in two hours and you can assume it turned out any way you like. Pairings on a continuing drama can last for many tedious years while writers recycle the same basic storyline over and over again.(ex. Steve+Michelle, Leanne+Nick) We'll be seeing Clayton and/or Dane pop in and out to cause trouble with David, Shona and/or the children until we can write their scripts in our sleep.
      Shona character would make more sense paired with Steve who isn't a hot head and could one day accept Clayton since he has no history with him. Above all,if he's not going to be with Leanne, Steve would be better off with Shona and completely new storylines than with Michelle again.

  11. Sorry Tilly, I don't like Shona and I don't like Bethany either. Never have, never will. Both could do with a course of acting skills.

  12. Don't worry. I respect your opinion. That's what makes this blog so interesting, the differing views

  13. I like Shona and the actor but I don't like her with David. She seems far too mature beyond his years and her own. As others have said, her back story keeps changing and they can't seem to really nail it down. I said before and I'll repeat, I think she'd be quite a good match for Steve even with the age gap.

  14. Maricha! I so agree. From the start I could see Steve with Shona...but as time has gone on I think that is not going to happen.
