Friday 1 January 2016

Please sponsor me and help The Silver Line

Please excuse the non-Corrie related blog post! This January I will be giving up the booze to raise money for The Silver Line, a charity very close to my heart.

I volunteer for the Silver Line, a telephone befriending service for older people who live alone. The charity provides vital support for thousands of people across the country. I have gained so much from my experience as a volunteer and The Silver Line need as many charitable donations as possible to keep this important service going.

The statistics about older people and loneliness are frightening. More than half of all 75 year olds in the UK live alone and one in ten suffers “intense” loneliness but is reluctant to ask for help. In a poll conducted to mark the national launch of The Silver Line on 25 November 2013, 9 out of 10 older people told researchers that “a chat on the phone” is the most helpful solution when they feel lonely but 1 in 4 older people say they never or seldom have someone to chat to on the phone. 
The Silver Line is the confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK* open every day and night of the year. Our specially trained helpline staff:
- Offer information, friendship and advice
- Link callers to local groups and services
- Offer regular befriending calls
- Protect and support those who are suffering abuse and neglect

The Silver Line is free to callers so we rely on charitable donations from organisations and individuals who care about the welfare and safety of older people to fund this vital new 

So this January I'll be going alcohol free for a very special cause. All donations gratefully received!

Thank you.

You can donate via my Just Giving Page 

You can find out more about The Silver Line by visiting their website 

You can follow me on Twitter @GraemeN82 


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