Friday 1 January 2016

Spot the Corrie prop - January 1st 2016

Happy New Year propspotters. Congratulations this week go to Pod who was the only person to spot that last week's Christmas wreath can be found in the Barlow's.

For this week's prop puzzle just tell us whereabouts on Coronation Street you would find these hanging hearts.

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  1. Beth and Kirk's place?

  2. Bev said:

  3. Sally Dee @saturnexpress1 January 2016 at 23:18

    Know I can't win with two guesses ... but it would be either Leanne's or Beth & Kirk's. And now I'm wondering ... we've never seen Sinead and Chesney's place, have we? Love "Spot the Corrie Prop"!

  4. Beth & Kirk live with Sinead & Chesney. They moved in with Chesney when money was tight and have never left and probably never will.
