Friday 1 January 2016

State of the Street - December 2015

We've reached the end of another year. Corrie has had its ups and downs and I won't go into all of that because lots of other lovely bloggers have done that already with year end wrap ups and hopes for the next year.

December on Coronation Street brought Lapland to Weatherfield at great expense to Tyrone who is still keeping the secret from Fiz. Kevin finds out when Tyrone is caught with his fingers in the petty cash box (though Kevin accused Ty of stealing from him but Tyrone owns the business too. Couldn't he just leave an IOU note in?). I expect Fiz will find out soon enough but there's good news where Hope is concerned.

Carla has had her world turned upside down, finding out that Johnny is her biological father, thanks to Rob. She's probably about to hit the self destruct button again as we head into January. That's what she always does, regardless of how much support she has. Meanwhile, Rob's other victim is Tracy but we don't really have much sympathy for her. She's put too many other people through too much stuff so her comeuppance is a joy to watch. It's too bad Robert got hurt in the process but it proves once again that the second time around, at least on a soap, doesn't usually work.

Sarah found out she's pregnant with Callum's baby and Kylie convinces her to listen to her heart and keep the baby. David goes off his nut and if it was possible for him to get even colder and nastier, he did it. He even left Kylie, probably in a bluff to punish her for supporting Sarah but in the end, Kylie got him back with a kiss.

Mary's having a fling with a married man and is finding out very quickly how lonely that can actually be. Kevin and Anna seem to be slowing getting closer while maybe Ken and Nessa are slowly coming apart.

All this and more on State of the Street.

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  1. I don't think David has been cold and nasty at all. He is the only voice of reason!

  2. David is always cold and nasty - he honestly has no idea to act any other way. I, for one, would love to see the back of the Platt clan except for Audrey & Nick. That is my Christmas wish.

  3. Anonymous 01:14 - my thoughts exactly!
    Bonnie in Canada
