Tuesday 11 March 2014

Top 50 Corrie Couples - No. 4

4. Steve McDonald and Becky Granger/McDonald 2008-2011 (199 votes)

This couple began when they had an affair while Steve was in a relationship with Michelle Connor. When their relationship became public, they planned to marry but Becky turned up drunk at the register office. They got hitched at the second attempt only for Becky to be arrested at the reception after being framed by DC Hooch but she is later released.

Becky then fell pregnant but sadly suffered a miscarriage. Having been told she couldn’t have children, Becky decided she would like to adopt but were refused. Steve and Becky then bought her nephew Max due to her sister Kylie being an irresponsible mother.  A few months later, Steve has had enough of the whole scenario and calls Social Services. Hurt by his betrayal, Becky left him and they divorced. Steve then embarked on a relationship with Tracy Barlow who fell pregnant with twins. But Tracy also suffered a miscarriage. 

Thinking Steve was having an affair with Becky, Tracy argued with Becky and fell down the stairs and pretended that she lost the babies as a consequence. Even though he planned to marry Tracy because she was pregnant, Steve took pity over her over the miscarriage and went on to marry her. But Becky turned up at the wedding with Tracy’s medical records stating she had lost the babies before the fall. Becky then left for Barbados with her boyfriend Danny Stratton.

Should Steve and Becky be at 4? Were you a fan?

Check out who was at 5.

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  1. I thought these two made a great couple. They make more sense than Steve and Michelle. Becky was great with kids, had a great sense of fun and given Steve's great comedic skills, they could have been on of 'the great' couples.
    I was happy that Becky got her happy ending though. She deserved it.

  2. I loved them together for same reasons listed above.
    I think Becky even trumped Karen...why...because Becky was self destructive but not nasty. She loved little Amy and this was a far cry from screaming foaming at the mouth Karen who despised the child.
    I thought when Eva accompanied Steve to the hotel to check on Rob and Michelle that the writers were leaning toward a Steve Eva union....I think she could add sparkle behind the bar and bring fun and mischief to Steve's life. And hey....Becky had a run with Jason before she ended up with Stevey-boy...so who knows! lol

  3. I thought Becky was really annoying and glad to see the back of her. How I groaned when I story leak would crop up revealing Becky was yet to go on another bender. Was so bored of her getting drunk, smashing things up or causing trouble, yet now she is looked back on as a "tart with a heart" type character. Nope, she was completely vile, it was only until her final few weeks they gave her a sympathetic storyline.

  4. Becky was fine with Roy and Hayley but she got out of control when she was with Steve. I blame the directors for Becky's unpopularity by the time she left. Katherine Kelly is a stage actor and I think her natural tendency is to fling herself about the stage like she's in a restoration comedy. She should have been toned down for the small screen. See how good she is in Mr Selfridge.

  5. I liked Becky's relationship with Amy, but not her relationship with "Stevie-boy". Way OTT, in my opinion. The actress was great in many scenes -- her friendship with the Croppers was also quite wonderful sometimes -- but the benders got tiresome. At any rate, very sorry to see Steve and Becky ranked as #4, and ahead of the Duckworths no less!

  6. I think it is different for Karen, because she was betrayed - Amy happened when she and Steve had a break. So who wouldn't scream foam at the mouth either?

  7. I agree about the benders...but the writers are to blame. They brought the character so far and did not know what to do so they reverted...notice they do the same with Kyley.
    But I still rather watch her with Steve (without benders> than Michelle or Karen.
