Tuesday 11 March 2014

Come on Corrie, bring back Rula!

As I alluded to in my blog post yesterday, I think there's a lot that could still be done to strengthen our favourite soap. A lot of people seemed to agree that some more mature characters were needed, particularly a female friend for our Audrey.

I loved seeing Rula Lenska in Corrie a few years back as Claudia Colby, friend and adversary of Audrey and owner of the successful Perm Suspect hairdressers. Aud and Claud made for a great double act and although the majority of their time on screen together involved men, I think there was and is tremendous storyline potential for the two ladies.

I recently read Rula Lenska's really interesting autobiography and she talks with great affection of her time in Corrie and makes it clear that she would happily have kept on appearing. Rula also thought there was plenty of potential for further storylines however obviously the writers didn't agree as Claudia disappeared after she and Audrey fell out over Marc/Marcia. Rula also said she loved working with Sue Nicholls as Audrey - I too think they had great chemistry.

So come on Corrie bosses, bring back Rula Lenska as Claudia Colby. I think there is room on the cobbles for another successful, glamorous businesswoman, don't you?

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  1. I think it's a great idea if Rula Lenska is available long-term. She's well-known and she might get better offers six months down the line. I'd be happy if an unknown actor, grateful to stay in Corrie for the foreseeable, joined the cast. It would be good to have an older couple take over the butcher's shop and the wife could make friends with Audrey and Deirdre.

  2. Seconded. Claudia was the perfect foil for Audrey and Rita. Just as in getting rid of Dennis, they made a huge mistake.

    Bring her back now, I say!

  3. Why did Claudia go in the first place, probably written out as usual like Dennis by the 15 year old script writers who think we all want to watch non stop sex resulting in unplanned pregnancies and punch ups.

    1. I think Rula Lenska went off to do a stage play, but she could still have come back afterwards

  4. Absolutely LOVED the character of "Clauds". I totally agree that she made the perfect rival/friend/enemy/frienemy on the personal, social and business front for Audreh. It seems everyone saw that wonderful chemistry except the show producers/writers :-(.

  5. I've been wishing they'd bring Claud back for ages..her and Aud (REY) made a fantastic double act...the time when Claudia said to Aud 'Honestly, aud - you've got hair like a lampshade...I never know whether to turn you off or talk to you!!'And there most be enough people of a certain age to provide enough custom for Aud and Perm Suspect...I really hope Granada...sorry ITV...ask Rula back -if not I think Audrey could end up pretty much in the background. BRING BACK CLAUDIA COLBY!!

  6. I'm in the minority here but I hope she doesn't come back. Her voice grated on my nerves and I just didn't see her and Audrey as a 'double act'. Audrey needs a new same age friend but someone other than Rula - perhaps as Humpty Dumpty said - an older couple taking over the butcher shop where the wife can become friends with Audrey.

    1. I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one then! :)

  7. I loved Claudia and Audrey. :-)

  8. Rula rules! Great duo for Audrey. Perhaps a love interest for Dennis when he comes back too? Hmmm.

  9. I agree with ChiaGwen - I didn't warm to her either - the acting seemed to 'forced'. Gail needs to be the other half of Audrey. With the right lines and scenes they are hilarious and outrageous together. Stop the dumbing down of Gail and have some more interactions with her Mum that don't involve her rotten kids.

  10. I loved Aud & Claud and would love to see her return. BUT, since Gail has had nothing but poop thrown at her for years on end, I think it would be kinda fun if Claud offered to take Aud on a trip (another friend backed out last minute or something), Aud declined for some silly reason, Gail chirped up and got to go instead, had a FAVulous time and returned a changed woman, that fun person she used to be. Oh, and Claud helps her new bff find a decent job, one where they can dress nicely and meet for lunch. All kinda smeared in Aud's face.

  11. I absolutely wouldn't want her back. Very annoying voice and forced acting.

    Think the problem was that its someone we 'know'. Maybe what we need is a type of Andrew Lloyd Webber search for a middle aged star for Corrie - unknowns always seem to fit in the show better.


  12. Oh dear! I think Ms Lenska has a lovely voice :)

  13. I didn't like Claudia, as her surname suggests, Colby, I always got the impression she'd wandered into the wrong show.

  14. I have to admit, the first time I saw her I thought she was a guy doing drag....and they were just having a laugh. Then I realized it was Rula Lenska. I never liked her either. She sounds like one of Marge Simpson's sisters and I found her acting to be very high school-ish. So, I guess I join the group of viewers who do not want her back.
    But I do agree that Audrey needs somebody...a good mate or somebody.

  15. For goodness sakes! Can't the writers even start a wine and book club once a month to get the spinsters and widows together once in a while. Even Blanche had the one o'clock club!

  16. That's a good point, which makes me wonder why the new characters moved onto the street are never over 50. Why do we invariably get teenagers and early 20's.
