Tuesday 11 March 2014

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, March 17 - 21

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 17 March to Friday 21 March

Kevin and little Jack return – and move in with Stella, Maria catches Marcus with Todd, Eva moves in with Jason, Kal and Leanne flirt.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net 

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  1. I thought Kevin was being written out while he's in rehab?

  2. Presume he'll be going upstairs at Stella's at some point in the not-too-distant future to listen to his tapes.

  3. This whole business with Marcus is so forced and ridiculous. A very sad end to an otherwise wonderful character!

    Here's a shock, Kevin's been back on the Street for 5 minutes and is already swinging his fists and shouting the odds.

    That Maddie, what a catch. No wonder Sally is welcoming her into her home with open arms. Dumbest thing Tim will ever do is to not let Kevin call the police - mark my words.

  4. I do hope Tyrone rushes to contact Tina or Katy - who are simply brilliant self-taught book keepers and can help him set his paperwork right.

  5. Frosty the Snowman11 March 2014 at 08:33

    Kevin is back - GROAN.

  6. I really like Sally & Tim as a couple and hate the thought of Kevin coming between them.

  7. Didn't we all suspect that Roy and Hayley were keeping Corrie afloat? Some stories are going nowhere eg: Andrea & co. I'm quickly losing interest in her love life. What was the point of bringing Michelle's dad over for half a minute?

    Never mind the viewing figures, Corrie is going through a difficult phase at the moment. Perhaps all the soaps are inasmuch as they are running out of stories and steam. We have some older characters who could give us some very relevant storylines eg Emily thinking about residential care and how would that make Rita feel; Ken's re-entry could be about how he's feeling his age and can't cope with Tracy's antics anymore.

  8. Yay Kevin! I love the matching leather jackets....I am a Kev fan...so welcome back Michael!
    When he comes back for real...I hope they have a woman for him. I think he could actually be friends with Tim. Please please writers...do not do the chasing after Sally bit again...that ship has sailed.

  9. I have to agree that Corrie is, or at least should recognize that it's going through a difficult phase again.
    I've never seen so much public voicing of discontent before.
    I keep thinking that the writers are riding on the fact that CS won the Best Soap award, and therefore they might imagine they'd found the winning combination. The typical reaction on this blog most certainly should be a head's up that that's not true for many.
    I still maintain there are too many characters, and unless the show is written for viewers with little or no attention span, there's too much sensational rubbish and darting around so that no character is memorable for being a person, just for what happens around them. Characters, such as Andrea, come in with promise and languish at the back of the writer's queue until viewers lose interest.
    More character development, less plot would be nice.

  10. "Maddie and Sophie give in to their repressed desires"......No No No No No. Ugh...I do not want to see some teenagers getting their freak on, especially these two wasters. What the hell are these writers thinking?? A serial thief and a corner shop slacker. Great. Match made in heaven.
    Realistically Sally would not put up with this in her home.Not the Sally we know. Again, the writers are just writing ANYTHING regardless of past character habits or personality.
    This Corrie is now like watching an Invasion of the Body Snatchers. There are so many characters acting out of character.
    Expect for good old Kevin...coming back fists a swinging!
    And poor Marcus, what did they do to you? The only stead fast good guy on the street really (except for Roy). The real Marcus would never have his head turned by the now new and unimproved Todd. He deserved a much better exit. but once again, the cheating theme is all these writers know. It's sickening really. Peter, Tina, Dennis, Marcus, all out in a matter of months ...ALL cheaters. And Steve is on his way to being a cheater...once AGAIN.
    And I agree, there are too many characters now. They have done nothing with Andrea, nothing with Jenna, nothing with Steph...and now we're going to get her brother. What for?

  11. ...and now we're going to get her brother. What for?
    The garage is so busy that they need the extra help?
    Tyrone has hardly been rushed off his feet considering that he could take off for half a day for the strawberry run and spend time during his hectic schedule to go looking for Roy.
    With Kevin coming back and Steph's brother they will have the backlog cleared up in an afternoon and then they will all be surplus to requirements and fade into the background while we wait for Tina to get bumped off.

  12. Do you think Kev will notice his house is 30% bigger?= Micky

  13. Zagg, very well said! Spot on! I am gutted what the writers have done to Marcus my favourite character.
    I am watching in Canada and AM NOT looking to Sophie moving another girlfriend into her Mother's house. I must say though the little lad playing Jack is a real cutie!

  14. I like what I've seen of some of the newer characters -- Steph seems fun (hope they keep her that way!), Andrea trying to better herself at school, and Kal seems to be a strong male character that doesn't need to pick fist fights to prove it. I've always liked the MacDonalds and Deirdre and Emily. As much as it pains me to admit it, I've even liked Tracy since she got together with Rob! I just hope the writers can do something with these characters instead of just letting them fade away like Dennis.

  15. I don't know about the rest of you but I feel it's time for the writers to actually come up with some decent plot lines. A writer with no imagination and/or lazy will just throw in sex scenes because it's easy. Time for some decent writing like the old days.

  16. I fully agree with the comments of the Gasman.
    Kevin back, why?????
    and now the other one Roach is said to return.
    He only got 'off' due to lack of evidence?
    Keep him at home. and off the Street.
    Too many little storylines are playing at the same time. and none are completed or inportant.
    I think at lot of FANS will become EX-fans if stories do not become more interesting and Roach returns.He did not contribute anythng anyway.
    Come on writers put your thinking caps on.!!
