Tuesday 11 March 2014

Tina will be murdered in May

This just seen in the Metro, there was speculation this morning that Michelle Keegan may have received the scripts that contain the scenes leading up to or including her death in May.

She tweeted the following on Monday night: ‘Just read my new scripts!!! Exciiiiiiiiiting stuff!! Can’t wait for u guys to see it! X’

The article goes on to drag out that old chestnut about filming different endings to the story. That's very rarely ever true and never usually in storylines like this. The only time I've ever seen it done is a guilty/not guilty verdict scene that lasts a few seconds, something they can tease us with online. They just wouldn't go to the expense of filming more than one definitive scene to show "whodunnit". The cast involved probably already know the answer.

That aside, we're set to find out soon that Carla is pregnant and Tina will fetch up pregnant as well. Peter's going to hit the bottle again and we have several suspects lining up to be the potential murderer: Peter, Carla, and maybe Rob who may be defending Carla, although I think he'd be more likely to go after Peter,  or Tracy, who holds a grudge well.

We haven't got an "expendable crew member" (i.e. throwaway character) on board and we know Chris Gascoyne is leaving for awhile. My money's on Peter but not as murderer. I speculate it will be an accident and he may go down for manslaughter. That gives him the open door to return, sooner than later.

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  1. I think you're probably right, Tvor. Unless the unimaginable has happened and Corrie are going to shock us with a surprise exit. In any case, it could only be either Carla or Tracy. If it was Carla, that could be the reason Peter leaves W'field, shamed and grieving.

  2. Tina has become beyond annoying and is in far too many contrived scenes but I will be sad to see a lovely young girl dun in. No doubt it will be a dreadful "accident" and she will die by falling down stairs like only people in soaps seem to do.

  3. I think it will be one of the Loan Sharks that she chased off a while back, no need then for a regular to be involved.

  4. Something to look forward to! Cannot wait for the demise of the orange one.

  5. Tina is murdered by a former lover to whom she gave HIV. The list of possible suspects is too large to list.

  6. As a Canadian viewer, one of the added pleasures I get from Corrie is hearing some of the idioms and expressions used by the inhabitants of Weatherfield. We share a common language (sort of!) but the day to day usage can vary. One that has intrigued me lately is the the expression to "fall" pregnant. I've never heard anyone in Canada say that. (We "become" or "get" pregnant here.) I'm also somewhat offended by the term. It suggests either that it was a rather unfortunate accident, or a careless error, reminiscent of the old notion of a "fallen" woman.
    I went looking online for some explanation of the origin of this peculiar phrase and found this:
    Apparently I'm not alone in my response! I don't particularly agree with the conclusions of the author of this article, but at least it's an answer to my query.

  7. Ho hum, yawn. Just get rid of Tina by simply sending the character away. Perhaps the character is popular with some viewers, but the majority (if this blog is any indication) have no affinity for her and she will not be missed. What a waste of an "explosive" story.

  8. The murderer will be Tina's roommate.

  9. ahhh, this is all so sad for those left behind to pick up the pieces... Namely the kids and how it affects them... Man, this is a dangerous street... Interesting tho how they'd want to bury the character of Tina. If she was to stay alive, even off screen, then her off spring can come back in 15 years as a misplaced, troublesome but handsome Barlow Mac N Cheese, hmmm?

  10. Bah..on Corrie you can get away with murder and swan back onto the street as though nothing had happened. His sister did it..why not Peter? Maybe Tina will turn into a stalker and he'll have to defend himself as she goes off the rails and tries to do him in.

  11. I think maybe Tina being murdered could be a red herring as she's not murdered by anyone but commits suicide after she is osterised by everyone including Rita once the residents realise she and Peter were having their affair while Carla was supporting Hayley who was dying.

  12. Two women pregnant at the same time by the same guy! Unbelievable! Does Dev not stock condoms in his shop? Carla seems way too smart to have an unplanned pregnancy. As for Tina we all know how fertile she is it's her third pregnancy. I think Tina may have planned the pregnancy to trap Peter. Anyway I have never been a fan of Tina and will not miss her at all.

  13. Tina has perma-tan and so does Peter. Does that mean the baby might have been born well tanned?

  14. I think Rita will finally come to her senses, realise that Tina wasn't worth all her time and money, and do her in.

  15. Dunno about Carla being that smart - she hired her brother, a perma-YOB and ex-con to, basically, run her empire; married bigamist Peter Barlow; left Sally 'Buffett' Webster in charge of her empire; got wasted at her wedding and passed out five minutes after the vows were read...

    Trust me, she's dumb....

  16. Frosty the Snowman12 March 2014 at 08:04

    Hm - Steph's brother - Luke is it? has suddenly appeared. Lets hope he is not going to be the murderer after falling in love with the orange one and it not being returned. Just a thought from Frosty.

  17. all boring - they have talked about nothing else since the beginning of the new year - explosive storyline - best yet - blah, blah, blah - either she gets killed by one of the drug dealers left over from Terry Duckworth or she just leaves - a lot of hype for a lot of nothing.

  18. In real life sometimes people do get away with murder. Eastenders has Janine Butcher...we have Tracy Barlow.
    As for the buildup for Tina's murder....I think it would be interesting if it were a case of suicide set up to look like murder....kind of a tip of the hat to the McIntyre genes. Dad tried to fake suicide and died...Tina is not all there either...maybe she will try to make it look like Carla did it!

  19. Probably Dr. Matt Carter - still SO annoyed that Tina hasn't bettered herself and still working in a backstreet Pub.

  20. I'd say its that loan shark guy who was in it a year or two ago, you know the one that lead to her dad dying and who was forcing Tommy duckworth to do stuff. If I remember right Tina did sommit to get him the jail
