Sunday 2 February 2014

What do we think of Corrie's Kal so far?

Kal Nazir has now been on our screens for a good few weeks so I thought I would ask the question - what do you think of him so far?

So far we've seen Kal bond with Dev and attempt to help Nick through his current difficulties. We've also seen him attract the attentions of Stella and Come to Deirdre, although I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees the beginnings of a spark with the newly separated Leanne. 

The Corrie writers have done a good job of involving Kal with the Corrie community and now a new gym is planned, that's bound to continue. Really though, can you see the likes of Kirk and Beth pounding the treadmills?

Some might say that Kal has been presented as an overly cheerful character, although we do know he is a widower with children so there is bound to be drama to be had there. We also know that the rest of the Nazirs will be introduced gradually this year and it will be interesting to see how Corrie handles their first Muslim family

I must confess I am slightly biased in my opinions where Kal is concerned as I've always had a soft spot for actor Jimi Mistry. 

However, I'm interested in your views. Do you like what you've seen so far? Are you looking forward to seeing the rest of his family onscreen? And who on the street do you think Kal should be partnered off with?

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  1. It's OK, but a bit fiddly. I understand how a keep-fit trainer is going to be in-your-face, but I'm not sure someone new would be SO up on everyone's problems so quickly in real life.

    I don't like the fact he runs with his jacket fully zipped-up. It suffocates me.

    I've mentioned before how I hope they make his family just run of the mill, not overstate their religious background one way or the other.

    I think a full-blown race issue would be ideal. The Lloyd/Paul spat only went so far, but I would like an existing character to really take offence at a Muslim family moving onto the street - just to see how Corrie would cover it, given race is still prevalent in society. However, Corrie may steer clear of this. Pity.

  2. In Australia, he only came on air a week ago, so without a lot to go on, so far I must say I like him. He has a nice on-screen presence and seemed to fit in straight away - not everyone can manage that! It'll be interesting to see how his character develops, especially with his family soon to arrive...

  3. Seems well intended and all. The family might be interesting... Should the be traditional or modern Muslims? Ya know I really miss Les Battersby. He'd be the one getting his knickers in a twist about everything and anything. Corrie really needs a character like Les and Blanch all rolled into one!!!
    I think Kal is too young for Stella.. .unless he needs his own Mrs. Robinson. Leanne & Nick need to figure it out and get on with it. Why are they not in Marriage Counseling? Nick in therapy....and Gail getting a life.

  4. Frosty the Snowman2 February 2014 at 10:38

    So far I like Kal but fear he may be the 2nd Stella as he seems to appear in scenes where he isnt needed, all this punching the air all the time is also rather silly as is opening a gym in a Street with the most unhealthy eaters ever. However I think a Muslim family would be a good idea and in keeping with the times but as for his "getting off" with someone and joining the merry go round of bed hopping, this just would not happen and it would be quite disrespectful to show him acting like this.

  5. As boring as hell. I can't believe they're letting Dennis go and keeping this cardboard cut-out.

  6. Not impressed so far, wait and see how this develops when the rest of the family arrive.

  7. Dull. Thankfully, Kal didn't arrive with an explosive storyline but we didn't need the other extreme. I'm still pretty certain that Nick and Leanne will reconcile in a year or so, and Kal will have been one of Leanne's lovers in the meantime.

  8. He runs into a scene, blathers something I can't understand and runs back out again. Give him something more to do. I guess there just waiting until his family shows up on the street. They'd better not be a rip of the Masoods. I don't know how this coming year is going to play out but IMO they made a huge mistake killing of such a beloved character as Haley.

  9. So far I find him dull too, and I don't know why I object to him getting involved with everyone straight away, I know it's the nature of soaps to move quickly.

    Maybe I'm not ready for a new resident, complete with family yet, to find a home and jobs for all no doubt, within the confines of one little street.

    Having said that, I think it's realistic to have a Muslim family as neighbours, I'm thinking it will serve to educate viewers, maybe break down some barriers for all.

    I wonder, if like another soap, the man of the family will be quiet and unassuming, the women, or women, quite the opposite for balance?

  10. I quite like him. He's not been overly included like Stella was.

    He was introduced as a friend of Gary's, although they've not had any screen time since. I'm sure the producers wanted the character to have some connection with one resident after the Stella 'I don't know you, but tell me everything' saga.

    It's early days, but, atm, I like hi. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not familiar with him, so, to me, he's only been in Corrie.

  11. This guys gesticulating and head twisting is ridiculous. Is that acting? It is as if he is doing a terrible impression of Dev. He spits out his lines as quickly as he can pointing and waving his arms like a cartoon salesman. It is bad enough with Gary and Owen constantly breaking eye contact with people and looking off in odd direction as though it's dramatic.

  12. First off I just wish he would buy a comb I'm sure Dev probably sells them.
    I would really like to see Jenna brought into the Gym, she has the qualifications to fit in and is wasted in the cafe.
    And why would he go into business with Dev surely by now he knows that Dev had seven shops and is now down to one and the kebab shop that he never sets foot in, hardly a glowing recommendation for a business partner.

  13. I agree with the St. Ella comment. He is wedged into people's lives in a heartbeat of joining the cast.
    A good point was made too regarding no screen time with his so called friend Gary.
    I personally find his eyebrows to be very distracting..not in a good way.
    I would like to see the writers take a chance and team him up with Julie. She loves children and wants to be a mom - he has two. She shares his passion and desire to help others. She would be his partner in so many ways. Can you imagine Leanne getting up at 5 a.m. for a morning run? I bet Julie would.
    I am sick of the message Corrie writers give regarding certain people types not being deserving of true love. I think there are too many lonely people on the street, and too much sleeping around for others.

  14. I think Jimmy Mistry is a good actor. I've loved him in all of his past roles. So far though, I'm finding his character really blah. As one other poster said, he runs through scenes, but we aren't getting to know the character. Maybe when the rest of his family comes on the scene, his role will pick up. I hope so.

  15. I hope it isn't a big deal that he's a Muslim. Would that really be an issue for the neighbours? Really?

  16. I like the character and I like the actor but I feel as though he is over-acting in every scene. I haven't watched a whole lot of his work but it seems to me he can do a bit better than what's he doing. A little too hyper-active in every scene, I feel like he won't ever be still.

  17. I thought that Dev was Muslim....remember the big deal about the wedding that he and Sunita threw?

  18. I'm rather biased as I too have enjoyed Jimi Mistri's work for years. I still think of him as the doctor from EE!

    My beef is: isn't he too old to be a fitness trainer and a friend of Gary's? He must be in his 40s.
