Saturday 1 February 2014

Roy's funeral speech to Hayley

Last night's Coronation Street was outstanding.  In fact, the last couple of months on Corrie has, for this fan, been the best its ever been. The drama, the writing, the acting, everything has been top class.

I can't let Roy's heartbreaking speech at Hayley's funeral go without a blog post of its own.

‘People deserve to know the truth,’ he said, standing up to address the gathered crowd. ‘I’m sorry, but they do.

‘The truth … the truth is, she was not perfect. She was flawed. She was real.

She was my light, my beautiful coruscating light. My life was a dark corner and she came into it. I could see. I could see the world with her. I understood life. I understood love. She was my constant, my comfort, my compass. 

Hayley was my truth, without her, I … ‘

And then he faltered and could speak no more.

And just when I thought I couldn't be further moved, they had to go and show Norris and Mary dancing in the back yard at the Rovers and I cracked up just a little more.

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  1. It was a hard watch, but, ultimately, beautiful and appropriate. From my personal thrill of hearing Queen at the funeral, to the singalong Carperters number in the Rovers.
    It felt real, and right...

  2. When do we get to nominate David Neilson for the award shows?

  3. OOh, as soon as the nominations are revealed Abby! I think the first main ones might be British Soap Awards in May although other smaller awards might come up before then. We'll be sure to include details on the blog of course asap.

  4. I liked Carla's was lovely. Can someonevlet me know the song that was played that was supposta make everyone chuckle...seems I've missed it.

  5. abbyk...I agree...David was superb and from what I hear Roy is not like him at all in personality so the acting should be rewarded indeed.
    Unknown...I didn't get it either! lol

  6. I looked up the is 'Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. I still don't get wonder no one at the funeral did either....

  7. The words go on - I'm having a good time, I'm having a ball. I didn't chuckle either!

  8. I remember Audrey reciting 'Do not stand at my grave and weep' at Alma's funeral. Always moving however many times you hear it. Glad Sophie didn't sneak in the back door, disturbing the proceedings. Last night was about Roy, and David Neilson was superb.

    Did the writers change tack with the catering scenes? Weren't we supposed to see Andrea saving the day?

  9. David Neilson deserves all the awards going , best actor Corrie has

  10. OMG I am welling up and my nose is red just reading this post! This is going to be a haaaard watch. Gulp!

  11. I really liked Mary and Norris in the Rovers. Mary seeing that Roy needed rescuing from the people crowding around him, and Norris noticing what she did and being nice to her afterwards (after initially turning down her suggestion of dancing). It's nice to see characters who are not one-dimensional.

  12. We're just about to dive into all of this in Canada. I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it all at once!

  13. Rebecca...there are ways to watch Corrie online...within a day of it airing in the UK!

    1. I know, but Corrie has been my Sunday AM routine for as long as I can remember. Watching it online just seems wrong!

  14. Humpty Dumpty said...
    Did the writers change tack with the catering scenes? Weren't we supposed to see Andrea saving the day?

    That was a surprise and a disappointment I was looking forward to Steve and Andrea saving the day instead we got balloon boobs spoiling everything again with her treatment of Steve.
    When is he going to develop a backbone and chuck her out of the pub and his life?
    Hope her signing career takes off and she leaves.
    Amazing how she always seems to get her way she must have some interesting pictures of TPTB.

  15. I wonder if they changed their minds about Andrea and the catering scenes because they were worried about how fans would react to her swooping in on Roy and Hayley's day. We weren't exactly thrilled when St Ella of the Back Room got shoved into the scenes around Betty's death. It's not exactly the same thing, Andrea has actually been likeable so far, but it may have made the writers think twice.

  16. Hayley Tammonden is appearing in Dancing On Ice at the moment so maybe she just wasn't available for the Rovers scenes. Seems a bit odd though.

  17. Rosie...aren't the Corrie scenes filmed weeks in advance while the Dancing on Ice is week to week as the show airs?

  18. australian fans vote can for corrie as "best international drama" at the astra awards by going to foxtel red button (ch 333) or on the astra facebook page

  19. Newfy Pearl, I think there are several weeks training before the show starts, so she could have started training well before Christmas. She's doing so well I would imagine she's putting a lot of time and effort into it.

  20. Could be....I am not familiar with that show...only know that when I have seen Corrie actors live they mention 6 or 8 weeks filming in advance.
    Thanks for the info. :-)

  21. Michelle is trying for the Guiness Book of World Records for the most number of times a character can cross her arms in 15 seconds. I am going to count next time she's on screen just as a lark. Maybe she has trouble holding the girls up thus the arm crossing at regular intervals.
