Monday 3 February 2014

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 3 February

Coronation Street, MONDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2014 at 7.30pm

TRACY’S HIT BY A THUNDERBOLT A furious Tracy complains to Rob that Norris has refused to serve her until their paper bill has been paid. Rob mischievously pays the bill in one-penny pieces, infuriating Norris. Meanwhile, Tina returns from London to clear out her flat and Norris overhears her telling Carla that her kiss with Rob was behind her sudden departure. When Tracy later insults Norris, will he let slip about Rob’s misdemeanours?
SOPHIE AND SALLY GET IN OVER THEIR HEADS Sophie meets Maddie on the Red Rec and broaches the subject of their kiss. But when Sally turns up in pursuit of Sophie, Maddie runs off leaving Sophie frustrated. Sophie and Sally tail Maddie to a flat but will their surprise visit leave the duo feeling vulnerable?
ANDREA GETS AN ADMIRER Under pressure from Eileen and Todd, Lloyd confesses to having a crush on Steve’s friend Andrea. But when Lloyd asks Steve for Andrea’s number, he refuses to divulge it and Michelle demands to know why...
ELSEWHERE Dev and Kal view a unit on Victoria Street for their new gym but find working together intolerable.

Coronation Street, MONDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2014 at 8.30pm

DEVASTATED TRACY DEALS WITH ROB’S BETRAYAL Enjoying himself far too much, Norris tells Tracy that Tina and Rob passionately kissed. Rob denies it but it’s written all over his face and when Tina later confirms she kissed Rob, Tracy’s left heart-broken. Is this the end for the troublesome couple?
SOPHIE AND SALLY GET A GLIMPSE INTO MADDIE’S LIFE Maddie tries to calm her mum, who mistakes Sally and Sophie for social workers trying to take away her son. Sophie and Sally’s hearts go out to Maddie when she takes her brother back to the foster home he ran away from and they invite her to dinner. Will Sophie tell Maddie how much she likes her?
ANDREA AND LLOYD HIT IT OFF Lloyd’s hugely embarrassed when Andrea discovers he was hassling Steve for her number but Steve’s put out when Andrea’s receptive to Lloyd’s overtures.
ELSEWHERE Owen, Anna and the Phelans toast the imminent start of the mill project and Dev and Kal enlist Jason to price up fitting out their gym.

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  1. Further evidence of just how useless Tracy is - Norris tells her he won't serve her until their newspaper bill is paid... despite having money for whatever she was trying to buy when Norris refused her service, she runs off to get Rob to sort it!

    I'm sure this makes me a bad person but I don't even care what makes Maddie tick - just get rid already! Next we'll hear how Maddie's on the street not because of her mum's mental illness combined with Maddie's bad attitude/behaviour but because no one will take her in or employ her because she's a gay homeless woman. Next we'll have Sophie going to school to become a gay social worker and all because the writers apparently have nothing else to do with her outside of dwelling on her sexuality as though it's the only element of a person's life! How about showing how average young gay women find their way in the world, trying out different lines of work or study.. or something - showing the complexity of a gay female character can't be that un-soapworthy.

  2. I am enjoying the development of the Tracy/Rob relationship. Glad she kicked him out as he was a bit too sure of himself. But I hope they stay together in the long run.
