Sunday 2 February 2014

State of the Street - January 2014

It was a sad month on The Street. We said goodbye to Hayley and watched Roy struggle with his anger, pain and resentment. There were people missing from the funeral, some surprising but that's nothing new. Kylie and David are back on an even keel but Nick and Leanne have fallen apart and Gail is creeping me out.

See the State of the Street here for this and more.

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  1. Funny, I didn't miss Liz, but thought Owen's absence, given Anna's affection for Roy & Hayley, was huge. Not as big, however, as the Becky-shaped hole. I get how she (actress & character) might not have been able to attend, but Becky would have sent flowers, chosen a poem to be read by Kylie, paid for the catering or something.

    I do like the slow turning of Norris, Carla and, can't believe I'm saying this, Rob into more sympathetic characters this month. Carla, no longer the bridezilla, was a star with Roy & Fiz. Norris was really kind on several occasions, something we haven't seen from him in years. Rob has made it clear that he dislikes Tracy's pettiness, and sealed it at movie night. When she gives him the boot, I might actually care, more than last month at least.

    I really wish Gail would get a life and Nick would get some proper therapy and get back with Leanne. They do work well together. Don't like David's speedy redemption, however. Once again, he's evil and it goes unchecked. Kal is okay, but if they open a gym and overlook Jenna, I think that would be a mistake.

  2. Gail's relationship with her kids has been creeping me out for quite a while now.

  3. Frosty the Snowman3 February 2014 at 08:43

    Beth is now becoming very irritating and far from the rough round the edges but likeable character she was at the start. For someone of 40 something with a son that cant cook and ruins food by throwing it all together is obviously of very low intelligence - but presume this nonsense was another attempt at the famous Corrie humour. Good thing that Chesney who was broke only a few weeks ago could afford fish and chips all round

  4. Deidre mentioned that she wished her husband were there. Some mention might have been made as to Becky calling but I suppose the writers couldn't have possible written that in what with them coming up with a hilarious scenario starring Steve and Michelle tossing eggs around.
