Tuesday 4 June 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 10-14

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 10 to Friday 14 June

Tina vs Windass clan in baby battle; Eileen’s in despair and on pills; Rob gets a new job; Karl considers killing Dev; David gets suspicious about Kylie and Nick.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Corrie.net isn't updated yet, I'll get to it by later tomorrow. I've not been home.

  2. Frosty the Snowman4 June 2013 at 09:39

    I presume the tug of the baby Jake/Joe war will go on for another year until Tina leaves. For me the time is right for her to leave now, why drag it out for another year?

  3. Frosty the Snowman4 June 2013 at 09:40

    I presume the tug of the baby Jake/Joe war will go on for another year until Tina leaves. For me the time is right for her to leave now, why drag it out for another year?

  4. Perhaps its a red herring and Tina will run away with the baby and come back a year later....

  5. Oh Lordy. So Karl thinks about killing Dev.

    Presumably, he doesn't but I do hope this isn't the start of another Richard Hillman/John Stape serial murder plotlime re-run.

    I dare say that a high-profile character such as Dev won't be rubbed out in this way as there is no indication that his portrayor has plans to leave the show.

    But perhaps this is the start of Karl's exit storyline, though. Maybe Karl will decide to try to kill Dev and fail in the act, leaving him so implicated in the murders of Sunita and the firefighter and in such deep do-do that he confesses all and gets carted off to the clink before you can say Norman Bates. He's looked a bit flaky since Dev started his mission to clear Sunita's good name, so this is plausible, it seems to me.

    Should pep up a number of other characters, too. Maybe Stella will develop in more appealing ways once she gets shot of the millstone that is Karl, and perhaps Gloria will carry on getting more human once the scales are lifted from her eyes with respect to Karl the Crook.

  6. Wonder how long it will be before Rita starts sticking her nose in?

  7. Apropos of nothing, and totally off topic, here's a story line I would love to see:

    Sally gets unfairly blamed for something she didn't do, and no one believes her, and the whole street goes against her. Everyone maliciously gossips about her, and she can't convince anyone of her innocence.

    That would be the ultimate karma for Sally.

    PTB, I give you this story for free. Get writing.

  8. When Karl gets his comeuppance, the smugness factor of Leanne will hit the ozone layer and cause irreparable damage to the climate of Weatherfield.

  9. Janice, I could put up with Leanne's smugness (because she's right!) so long as Boria is gob smacked and humiliated by Karl's crimes.

    I might watch again just to see Boria's long overdue comeuppance. ;)

  10. I can't wait for this surrogacy story to be finished. The whole thing has been so stupid and unbelievable. Neither of these couples Tina/Tommy....Gary/Izzy have any business having a baby. None of them have decent jobs or a pot to piss in. What clinic would have given the green light for any of it?
    And do they think people will feel Tina's motherly drive and feel sorry for her? I sure don't. I think she is a selfish cow who took a load of dosh and now is making people miserable because she is so selfish. And Tommy? Ugh...just make him go away. What a complete spineless waste of space.
    As much as I dislike Gary and Izzy, the baby is theirs,(are we to believe that Owen would hand over all that money with NO paperwork?) so let's finish this storyline and put everyone of of their misery. Ridiculous.

    1. so you're saying builders and factory workers shouldn't have children? Both seem decent enough jobs to me

  11. Coronation Street should just be named the Price and Windass Show as it seems to have the same characters at the forefront.

  12. I think Karl will try to do away with Stella because she finally opens her eyes. Dev will save her and they will end up together..for a short while anyway. Karl can feel the walls closing in and, with no way out decides to kill himself and because he loves Stella too much to leave her behind, decides to take her with him.

  13. Coronation Street should rename itself Midsummer Murders. I appreciate that Stuart Blackburn was stuck with this rubbish, but bring it to a conclusion as quickly as possible.
