Monday 3 June 2013

Coronation Street double episode review, Monday 3 June

Dev is in sharp focus tonight and the very first scene is him chivying his children along in order to get them to school on time. When they finally appear they show great reluctance at having to go. They are suffering taunts from other children about their mother being a murderer. Dev's absolute conviction that Sunita is innocent is plain to see. Stella has called in to offer help and as Dev speaks about the children's mother, Stella is there to hear it all and is visibly touched. 'This will get better,' he assures them. 

In the Rovers later, Dev explains how he feels he has just woken up and is convinced that the right thing to do is speak to the inspector and persuade him to reopen the investigation. He explains that everyone saying it's Sunita who's the murderer makes him all the more determined to discover the truth. Of course Gloria cannot let the opportunity for a snide remark go to waste, so she throws in her comment that even 'the boys in blue' think Sunita was guilty. Karl is looking decidedly uneasy at this point...  Gloria must be a comfort to Karl though, as she is so committed to the idea of Sunita as a murderer. Karl says that 'Dev isn't grieving, he's wallowing.' Gloria states that, 'Some things and some people are best left forgotten.' 

Dev has the fire in his belly and he is hell-bent on proving that Sunita is innocent. Steve and Lloyd are friends worth having and as they call in on Dev, they see the house has been turned upside down by Dev in his search to prove his conviction that Sunita is innocent and that the guilty one is roaming free. Lloyd provides a little levity to contrast with Dev's intensity. Looking at the chaos he says, 'Not one for tidying as you go? Me neither.'  Dev talks feverishly about what Sunita has planned and mentioned going to see One Direction, a hair appointment, all, as he rightly points out, not the life which indicates a murderer. The police arrive and listen more or less tolerantly, though there is an edge of patronising the maniac. They ask, as they should, if Dev has any more evidence so that they can reopen the case. Dev taps his head and his heart simultaneously to convey that the evidence for Sunita's innocence resides in his head and in his heart. He just knows. 'That she set fire to The Rovers is just in - con -ceivable. I am back and I am firing on all cylinders.' But sadly, the police need more than that. 'You've got to stop beating yourself up,' offers the inspector.  Dev replies, 'You've got to stop trashing my wife.' Right back atcha! Dev is unstoppable and we get the distinct feeling that Karl's days are numbered despite his desperate attempts to persuade Dev to leave things alone.

Gloria has her opinion and as we could have guessed, it contains vicious spite. She talks of Sunita as, 'Drunk as a skunk and intent on murder. End of .' Could someone please remind us why Gloria is still there? Is her sole function to spit poison? 

Tommy, Tina and the baby - sorry I intended to write Izzy, Gary and the baby are ready with a cot and a name - Jake. That said, Tina does look very much the adoring mother. 

And so to Maria, Marcus and Sean and the new guy who says he's getting married. why does Marcus refuse this invitation where he would see many of his friends? Is he embarrassed that he is with a woman now? Does he feel he's letting his friends down? Well Marcus, there's no shame in it and sexuality is on a continuum isn't it? Sean tells Marcus that he can't go partying with the straights, but surely Sean has another agenda.

The insomnia at Eileen's - is it caused by her anxiety about Paul's job? If so, is it not all a little overdone? They still don't convince as a couple but for Eileen's sake I hope he sticks around. And Eileen, you used to be such good fun. Let's see some of that again soon please.  

The Rob and Carla scenes were riveting and they seethed with tension, guilt and recrimination. It seems each week a little more is revealed about their early life. Carla does seem to be trying to be fair but as she points out, if he sticks with Tracy he'll be back in jail by Christmas. Weatherfield's Bonnie and Clyde may not end their lives in a hail of bullets, but nevertheless the mix is fiery and somewhat toxic.
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  1. I thought Jimmi Harkishin did a great job tonight. Unfortunately I can't forget the inspector played a copper in 'Early Doors' I keep expecting him to break into that funny laugh he had and say "crime won't crack itself' Eileen's story is ridiculous. Robs acting isn't good and he looks scruffy not sexy .

  2. Great post!

    Surprisingly, I'm enjoying the Rob and Carla storyline. Alison King is doing such a brilliant job. I'm looking forward to learning more about Carla and Rob's background. The big problem for me though, is Tracey. Every storyline she's in ends up being so tedious that it's painful to watch. I also find Tracey and Rob excruciating to watch but I guess I'll have to try and get used to them. Somehow.

    I want to shake Rob! So tired of hearing him bang on about what he's entitled to. What Carla owes him blah blah blah. He knows full well that that's nothing but he is still angry with her for going off to live her own life, while he was stuck with their mother.

    I'm hoping there will be more Carla/Peter scenes like that superb one last week, when Carla told Peter a story about her relationship with Rob when they were very young.

  3. I am going to be unpopular but here goes....I feel for Rob.
    He did contribute to that company when Carla could not do so (re: Frank Foster fiasco). Michelle was ready to roll on Carla at that time remember.
    Anyhow...Rob was gifted 30% of the company.
    Next Rob goes to the Bookies to help Carla as Peter was running the business into the ground. So due to Peter she takes him out of the Bookies but alas there was no place for him at Underworld because Michelle did not want him back. Carla demoted Rob to keep Michelle happy.
    So is it a wonder that he turned on her??
    As for Tracy. I am glad to see that she did not dump Rob but is the only friend he has right now.
    Tracy has been showing a softer side as of late. Remember she was trying to look out for Peter while trying to support her boyfriend.
    Sorry for the ramble....I need to find someone to talk to about this in real life methinks. lol

  4. It still annoys the hell out of me when someone says Sunita was intent on murder...As far as i can see, she left before Stella and therefore would not have known Stella went home to the pub shortly after. That means, even if Sunita did go to the pub to commit arson, it wasn't with intent to murder Stella.

  5. Bravo Tvor. I have been thinking this for weeks. You are the only person I have read mention this. :-)

  6. Newfy Pearl, I said it here at the time it happened. That's one of the glaring errors that no one, not even Dev, mentioned. And every time that Boria whines about how Sunita tried to "kill" Stella, I want to scream. Is everyone on Corrie, including the police, brain dead?

    The other is the sudden appearance of the keys. Utterly ridiculous.

    This has been a badly written, non-sensical story line.

    After not watching for over a month, I watched tonight's ep. I still can't stomach the Boria and Karl tag team. I may have to wait until Liz return to watch again.

  7. Except for Gloria and the Windasses, I really liked tonight's episode. In general, it seems as if crazy stories are slowly turning back to reality.

    The keys, yes. It would also be sweet if, in the course of Dev's renewed discovery, Paul pieced together Karl's long absence from Full Monty night. He deserves closure as well. Too bad no one had their cels out during the day at the Rovers. If there were a snap with the keys still hanging there, or one from the Bistro with them sticking out of Karl's pocket... Oh wait, lots of people were taking pictures at the Bistro. Did anyone look closely???

  8. This is the most inept drama genre fictional police investigation I've ever seen. Inspector Clouseau could have solved this. It's utterly ridiculous and portrays the police as clueless dopes.

  9. Frosty the Snowman4 June 2013 at 06:23

    I found the scene in Brian Parks the headmasters office when he bizarrely insisted Dev speak to the children about a extremely sensitive and hurtful subject then and there very strange indeed. But quite good episodes spoilt by Garrah being a pest in the pub again, more Eileen angst about Paul - havent we already been through this? and the worst is Sean Tully who hasnt been seen much for months seemed to 'pop up' in every scene. Another ridicuous Corrie coinccidence demonstrated with Ben when suddenly Marcus came out of the shop at that precise moment that Sean had bumped into him as well.

  10. What I noticed last night was that other machinists were shown in the factory. Maybe we're about to see new characters emerge from the Tardis-like factory. When Sean was gossiping with the girls over coffee, a supporting actor suddenly appeared in the group, ears wagging. Sally's expression as she turned to her was hilarious. It was like: '... and you are?'

  11. Carla and Michelle are really really becoming irritating - like a couple of fishwives parrotting their smart remarks - sack Michelle and take on Rob - blood is thicker than water.

  12. Dev's acting in these episodes was beyond terrible. When the kids asked if Sunita was a murderer, he nodded his head! Talk about mixed messages.

  13. Just watched the four episodes of late - Gloria why are you still there? What poison you spill from your lips oh you are going to be rocked when the truth comes out about your favourite Karl... Dev you keep digging away Karl is going to crack - poor beige Stella what will you do? Tina you have to learn to walk away and let be - you will rue the day the promised to deliver a baby for the Windasses mob - can see tears and tantrums coming - poor baby will feel like a yo yo...

  14. Was it really necessary to have Sean's new (old) friend in a bright pink shirt just to show he is gay? Talk about stereotypes. And I don't think I've ever seen such a set of teeth on a person. Frightening!

  15. Frosty the Snowman4 June 2013 at 11:41

    John Mc - you actually made Frosty laugh which is a very unusual occurrence. Ben seems to have been parachuted in just for this storyline and yes his teeth were doing most of the acting. More face pulling from Sean and self doubt from Marcus to look forward to! Meanwhile Inspector Alahan investigates.............. LOL

  16. As soon as I saw Stella's face at Dev's door sticking her beak in as usual, I shut it off.

    I thought we'd see less of her but I guess is Stellation Street no

  17. We might have to take back the 'Beige' moniker for St. Ella, last night's episode was the second time she wore a color! Very strange episode with the sudden popping up of never before seen characters, Marcus and Sean's friend of many teeth and the two machinists.....bizarre! With the two machinists it was as if they were

  18. ChiaGwen, I saw her wearing beige and black. Did I miss her wearing actual color last night?

  19. Chatty Kathy: She had on a sleeveless greenish dress or top (didn't see the whole length of her)in the scenes with Dev in the Rovers as he was talking about going to speak with the police. It was about the 3/4 mark of the episode.

  20. Okay, thanks, ChiaGwen. They must read our blog. ;)

  21. Chatty Kathy: I wonder if the things we are noticing like that (the implausibility of Sunita trying to kill Stella) is because one director (or is it producer) is leaving and one coming in?
    Her threat to Stella was that she would be sorry she messed with her family. Hence burning down her pub would suffice. Why they harp on her trying to 'murder' Stella I do not know.
    Oh well....good for Dev for coming to his senses and trying to clear the name of his children's mother. And was anyone else pleased at the support of Steve and Lloyd. I was.
