Tuesday 4 June 2013

Corrie fans' fave 80s moment is Hilda weeping over Stan's death

Coronation Street Blog readers have voted Hilda Ogden weeping over hubby Stan's death as their favourite moment from 1980s Corrie. The iconic scene occurred in November 1984. 199 of you voted and 50 (25.13%) voted for Hilda breaking down at losing her Stan.

In second place came another iconic Corrie scene which was when Alan Bradley got hit by a tram while chasing a terrified Rita Fairclough on Blackpool's promenade. 26 (13.07%) of you voted for this moment that occurred in December 1989. In third place came the Ken/Deirdre/Mike showdown from February 1983, receiving 25 votes (12.56%).

In fourth place came the hilarious moment from May 1983 when Bet, Betty and Fred and Mrs Walker's Rover ended up in the lake, receiving 15 votes (7.54%). In joint fifth place was another comic moment from May 1983 when Vince St. Clair (Jack) met Carole Munro (Vera) in the Rovers, and when Hilda Ogden left the street in December 1987 - both receiving 13 votes (6.53%).

In sixth place was when Ken Barlow punched Mike Baldwin in the factory in January 1986, receiving 12 votes (6.03%). In seventh place was when Alan attacked Rita in March 1989, receiving 8 votes (4.02%). In joint eighth place was when Bet entered the Rovers wearing Annie Walker's dress back to front in September 1980, and when the Rovers went on fire in June 1986, both receiving 7 votes (3.52%).

In joint ninth place was Ken and Deirdre's wedding in July 1981, Elsie Tanner leaving for Portugal in January 1984, and Deirdre confronting Ken about his affair with Wendy Crozier in December 1989, receiving 4 votes (2.01%). In joint tenth place was the Wilton jiltin' in September 1984 and Brian Tilsley's stabbing in February 1989, both receiving 3 votes (1.51%). Renee Roberts' death in July 1980 and Alec and Bet's wedding in September 1987 came joint eleventh with 2 votes (1.01%).

1 (0.5%) 
voted under the 'other' option saying they loved all the moments in the poll, while nobody voted for when Arnold Swain took Emily Bishop hostage in March 1981.

Happy with the results? I have to say, I did think more would vote but there you go, maybe it didn't appeal to many.  And if you haven't yet, you can vote for your favourite Corrie exit here.

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  1. I didn't vote because I couldn't choose between them!

  2. I didn't vote because I didn't watch prior to 1989 so have only seen most of those moments as clips in some special or another.
