Saturday 1 June 2013

Coronation Street episode review, Friday May 31

The game was finally up for silk-stealing Rob - though it remains difficult to care anything about the world's most boring rogue.

Carla gave her brother his marching orders from his share in the knicker-factory, although he pleaded, unconvincingly, that she owed him for all his hard work: "I bust a gut for Underworld."

There was an attempt to justify Rob's bad behaviour  and to finally give him a personality as he recalled his unhappy childhood and that Carla was always his parents' favourite, but it was all too little, too late.

And I' m afraid the actor who plays him remains wooden and unconvincing. Doesn't help that he is paired with the equally unconvincing pantomine villainess Tracy.

Meanwhile Sally was hoping to  show she is not "beige" in character (you're not actually, love, that's Stella) and show off her "dynamic, mysterious and witty" side to her forthcoming internet blind date.

Sounds like an opportunity for some nice comedic scenes, bring it on!

And the ever nice. long suffering Tommy Duckworth redeclared his love for Tina and she for him, following the birth of her premature surrogate child in what was quite a touching, heartfelt, gentle scene - aah. 
Can anyone remember why  Tina needed the money - it never seems to be mentioned at all nowadays. Something to do with paying off Tommy's debts, but whether they were to Tyrone  or to drug smugglers, or Terry Duckworth, I can't really recall.

Like I said, it all seems to be forgotten.

Anyway, nice she's back together with Tommy.

Izzy said she would "forgive but never forget" Gary's amorous moves on Tina.

And Karl became uncomfortable as Dev declared he wanted answers from the police and believed Sunita to be guiltless. 

The truth will out, Karl.

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  1. When did Rob say or hint that Carla was his parents' favourite? Trust me to miss that.

    I'm Team Carla but I did almost feel sorry for Rob when Carla said "You're not my brother. You're just some loser I grew up."

    But then it is going to be difficult to watch him and Tracy all over each other for the rest of the year at least.

  2. Rob didn't say anything about Carla being the favourite. He said "it's not my fault you were the smelly girl with one pair of shoes. It were mum's fault, dad's, the Bacardi but it wasn't me!"

    Great insight into their past. Should be interesting to see what exactly Carla went through in her past. I have this sinking feeling she was abused by either her father or one of her mom's boyfriends (or 'uncles' as she recently revealed) She had also revealed a tidbit to Leanne and Peter (when she was engaged to Frank) that she and her mom fell out over poxy rows, "over stuff that just didn't matter...he said/she said family stuff"

    I actually felt bad for Rob at a few instances, but his arrogance just overshadowed it. Would have been better if he attempted to show some remorse to his sister instead of listening to Tracy's poison yet again.

    Should make for a good summer storyline though!

  3. What's with Steve not calling the cops over Tracy's involvement in the theft. He could have gotten rid of her once and for all!!

  4. Coronation Street continues to delight and frustrate in equal measure. Nothing will stop me watching, but recently, storylines that of old would have been done dusted and off in the taxi with the bin bag within a couple of weeks, now seem to last forever. That in itself I could live with, but there are a growing number of actors at the moment who, frankly, are just bad. Of the long servers, the absent Ken has of course got away with being unable to act since the dawn of time, and more recently, David Platt, Tracy Barlow and Chesney Brown, fine as children/younger people but have grown up to be not actors. Add to that Rob, Karl, Gary and Paul are all just bad and boring. But...But...all the time we have Mary, Mother, Steve, Anna, Owen,Fizz, Carla, Norris, Audrey, Rita, etc.etc., the good outweighs the bad.
