Saturday 1 June 2013

Has Corrie turned a corner?

Firstly, let's get any mention of THAT WOMAN out of the way. Let it go on record that I do not like Liz McDonald and never have. She morphed from reasonable housewife and barmaid to screeching shrew in a very short space of time. Her return to t'cobbles is hardly big news - she's no Bet Lynch - but I realise that I am in a very small minority. I will therefore gladly settle back and not mention the hopeless wife, useless mother and dreary landlady until she clatters across the street in something hideous later this year.

Elsewhere though, I feel heartened by recent episodes of the Street. Like the sloughing off a difficult winter and a chilly spring, so the show seems to be ridding itself of all things Collinson. New shoots of hope are staring to grow, a bit like these endless nature-related metaphors.

This week we witnessed a lovely little scene in the new 'colour-me-brothel' Rovers. For a few minutes, Steve and Owen bantered on about hooves and horns. It made no sense but was a joy in its own way. Just two blokes stood at the bar, nattering on about nothing. More please.

Sally's drunken evening at the pub was a riot as is her delving into the world of Internet dating. Suddenly, Sally's a bit of fun again and seemingly she's bonding more with Sophie and a much more relaxed Jenna. With grown-up daughters and an ex-husband off the scene, it will be great to see Sal live a little.

Has anyone noticed the continued lightening of Gloria? Relief all round as the character settles into something more befitting Sue Johnston. Am I just hankering after Sheila Grant pulling pints? Yes I am. A more caring, considerate Gloria has a better chance of interacting with other residents in a more positive way. Please - no more 'money-grabbing harridan' scenes.

This week we have also witnessed a more contemplative Carla, backed up by a supportive non-vitriolic Peter. Carla's usual default would have been slam that clattering bag of hers down and tear a strip off her victim. Her inner turmoil was evident and this helps us, the simple viewer, to appreciate her a little more.

Of course, not everything in the garden is rosy. Any storyline involving Tracy-luv seems to be hard-going and this latest 'silk for sale' nonsense has been worse than most. As a collective, we have probably ranted and droned on about Trace ad nauseum over the years. With reason. It feels as though Tracy is so far beyond redeemable that the only way she is going is off to Manchester Piccadilly in a taxi. She's dreadful and seems to suck the life out of every scene she appears in. Come on Uncle Stuart, do the right thing and send her packing. As opposed to sending her to packing.

It's not a current story but this week we have had to contend with the linking of the words 'Hayley' and 'cancer'. Which will lead to the word 'death'. I seriously don't believe that after fighting cancer, Hayley would suddenly up sticks and do a runner in search of a better life. Hayley will die and the only thing to look forward to will be the wonderful performance - and let's face it, it will be golden - from Julie Hesmondhalgh. She has not quit her anorak yet but I'm missing her already.

Are things looking up for our Weatherfield chums overall? Dare we hope that things can only get better?

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  1. Never could stand Liz. What's the point in bringing her back now? She's been AWOL for years. This is too EE...let a character leave in an 'explosive' storyline, only to let them come back a couple of years later. I don't get it. I think I'll try that one on my boss. These actors think there are people going to knock their doors down with offers of TV appearances and movie's all an illusion..probem is, they've boughten into it. She should have stayed on the cobbles but now I think it's just too late.
    I am also hoping they don't kill off Haley. Maybe a storyline with cancer yes, but I can see Roy pushing her out the door so she can follow her dreams once she's had treatment.

  2. A comeback after just two years doesn't bode well for the actress' ability to find work. This is the kind of thing we see on EastEnders tbh.

    I do hope that Corrie does turn a corner, and include more of that subtle humour that it does so well, instead of slapstick. The Steve and Owen scene was nice to see, although I found it odd that Owen had the patience to listen to Steve's babbling when his family's in chaos!

  3. Bev Callard has been our tour around UK theatres with Little Voice or the last couple of years. We saw it in Scarborough and loved it, she played a fantastic comedy part. The tour is now coming to a close and she's able to return to Corrie, I feel they would have had her back before if she hadn't been contracted to Little Voice.

  4. I loved Carla last week.

  5. Can't wait for Liz to return! Beverley Callard left due to health issues, not to persue other acting, so I think her returning after two years is great!

  6. Great write-up however I have to disagree about Jenna. she seems to have reverted to being a teenager, possibly the writers needed to try and shrink that age gap and change her somewhat matronly appearance to convince us that she and that awful Sophie would actually be together - hasn't worked with me.

  7. Oops forgot while ranting about Sophie and Jenna - also disagree about Liz. Glad she's coming back! Diedre needs her friend, Steve needs his Mummy and the Rovers needs a new landlady.

  8. I too thought the simple scene of Steve and Owen chatting in the pub was just a brilliant touch. While I was watching it, I was thinking to myself this is why I love this show. Nice to see you saw that too with a mention of it in your blog.

  9. I think the Street is turning a corner, and I like that it's being paced a bit, rather than an abrupt, jarring change once the new producer took over.

  10. Corrie can't and won't turn a corner in a positive way until the Prices are gone. Until then, it's just pouring gravy over spoiled meat to try to make it more palatable.

  11. I believe you're right about the attempt to soften Gloria. As evidence, notice that Audrey was sitting happily in the new Rovers while Gloria served behind the bar; now this is the first time we've seen Audrey and Gloria in a scene together since Audrey emerged from the cupboard the other week and, more significantly, since Gloria blew Aud and Lewis' relationship out of the water. I was expecting a big clash when the two of them came face to face again, but - no bang! Not even a whimper. The only reason the writers would have failed to pursue such a dramatic opportunity is if they are under clear directions to reabilitate Gloria, and dragging all that underhand business up again would have the opposite effect. I think Sue's playing of Gloria has been noticeably lighter and warmer. Her little comments have been warm and witty of late, rather than snide and unpleasant, and I'm relieved to find myself really starting to like her. Hope it lasts.

  12. I disagree about Tracey Luv. I think that she ought to be redeemed in some way rather than ousted. Still, it's hard to see how she actually could be redeemed, as she has no morality - last night's scene between herself, RobShite and Deirdre showed that, especially after Deirdre said her piece and Tracey Luv egged him on.

    I object to the one-dimensionality of her character rather than the selfish, mean-spirited things she does. Isn't the actress (I forget her name) tired of playing her like that?

  13. I question whether a comeback is ever possible. Watching Corrie used to be like having a catch-up gossip with a friend you grew up with. During the past two years we have seen so many missteps, backtracks, character makeovers, shoddy writing, poor acting and the arrests of Michael Le Vell and Bill Roach that the fairy dust may have been wiped away for good. I have not watched for two months now. I peek in here less and less often as what I read no longer has quality of magic. The illusion is shattered and all the King's men can never put it back together again.

  14. I think an attempt to get back on track has begun. It's only been a few weeks since the SB episodes have started to air, but so far, we've seen a few characters behaving more reasonably (Tina, Dev, Sophie, Tommy), and the irrationals (Izzy, Stella, Chesney,...) are in the middle of stories that were already in motion. It seems like there have been more emotional impact moments (Roy & St. John, Carla & Rob, Tina sticking up for baby, Deirdre letting Tracy have it) each week than under PC. Only time will tell, but I think we're off to a good start.

  15. Oh, how true about the little scenes ... my favorites have been between Lloyd and Steve. My fave to date was a moment when Cheryl had just left Lloyd and Steve came to see him. Just before Lloyd breaaks the news to Steve, they have this fabulous little banter about names. Steve tells Lloyd that Chesney and Katie were going to call their soon to be born son James... And that they had never heard of James Brown. Lloyd tells him that he knew a Michael Jackson. Pshaw, says Steve, they're a dime a dozen. He then tells the tale of a cousin marrying a Cat Stevens...oh, says Lloyd, did she change her name? Why, Steve asks, because she got married? No says Lloyd, because Cat Stevens did... Etc, etc. Ending the lament with, "we live in a world where some people have never heard of James Brown"...and then the heartbroken Lloyd says, 'Steve, she left me"... And the rest of the seen continued... Now this is the style of Corrie that I love.

  16. Another good thing is that the past week's episodes haven't been filled with "SENSATIONS" that will leave viewers "GASPING FOR BREATH!!" but instead have been well-written and acted dramas...

  17. Well, I'm going to put in a good word for the Prices if for no other reason than that the family includes the magnificent Eva, who is in the long Corrie tradition of lovelorn women who constantly make bad choices yet reain spunky and strong. She reminds me of Bet Lynch in her eariler days.

  18. Eeeee! I agree that about not wanting Liz back. First, she used to wear that so out of date hairdo for ions and then she changed her style to a frumpy tart. She was 50 forever even though Steve is practically middle-aged. Her dressing style did not suit her age. And that incessant smoking!!! Need I go on!

  19. I prefer looking at Liz's sometimes over the top clothing any time over beige clothes, beige face, and beige personality. Liz had fun with style, even if she sometimes missed the mark. I find the Beige Lady almost painful to look at. I choose Snazzy over Snoozy any day.

    Can't wait til October so I can start watching again!
