Sunday 2 June 2013

Corrie weekly awards for May 27 - 31

Horns or Hoofs: What a wonderful, absolutely delightful little conversation between Steve and Owen.

Gossip Central award: Oh it's so good to see gossip back in its rightful place in the pub!

Drunk and hilarious: Sally was a perfect joy, drunk in the pub and calling Norris names.

Overestimating himself award: Rob reckons he can't shift the silk because he's too well known in the trade. He's only been in the business five minutes. It's not as if he's Mike Baldwin no matter how much he's trying.

Made for each other award: Rob thinks Tracy is exciting and she's as selfish as he is. I knew there was a reason they were a good match!

Reasonable excuse: Why is Izzy surprised Tina doesn't want to work for Owen? On the surface of it, she's pregnant and would be working two jobs. Obviously prefers the pub and two jobs are tiring once you're pregnancy is advanced. Yes, we know it's because of Gary but even so...

Musical ambiance: End of the World as we Know it, playing while Karl is fixing the fittings and fixtures in the pub.

Watch your back award: I think Tracy could possibly have met her match with Carla who's watching her every move.

Style award: Leanne's got a new do, I like it!

Pants on fire award: Tracy is acting practically like an invalid post-mugging.

Phrase of Doom award: Izzy tells Katy Chesney is loyal, just like Gary. Withing minutes you know what happened, right?

Call Display Fail: Carla called the mobile number. Tracy's phone rang and apparently neither the familiar phone number of Underworld or the company name came up on the call display.

Truer words have never been spoken: Peter has the measure of Tracy. "All her life she's been getting away with murder. Litarally!" (Yay! Someone's said it out loud!)

Lines of the week
Sean "WWBS is my motto... What would Betty say?" (Too right!)
Kirk "I should have been the one out there getting robbed"
Gloria "I've worked hard for this" Eva "Yeah, you've changed your outfit twice"
Kirk "If I talked about women the way you talk about men, you'd belt me" (he's right too)
Sally "You know what, Norris? You're a silly little man. You're a nasty little elf, a nasty little bald elf."
Steve "It's like Lady Gaga's movin in!"
Peter "I'm cheap, reliable and I'm very low maintenance"
Sophie to Sally "There's plenty more fish in the sea" Sally "But the bait's not what it was"
Tracy "Cool is one thing. Cold Feet is another"
Carla to Rob "You're not my brother. Just some loser I grew up with" (Ouch)
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  1. Frosty the Snowman2 June 2013 at 09:16

    The FS Awards:

    No manners award: Jenna who is a guest in Sally’s house grabbing the lap top away from her to look at what she was viewing – how rude is that and then laughing at Sally’s choice of clothes– just who do you think you are you silly woman you gave up a professional career for a spotty teenager to work in a local shop - cant stand her nor the stupid sneer which she seems to have permanently on her face.

    Trying to be the Voice of Reason award: Tina trying to put a stop to Izzah and Garrah’s disgraceful scrapping in the middle of a special care baby unit –if she had kept her stupid trap shut in the first place none of this would have happened.

    You go girl award: Great to see Deirdre in her dressing gown and face cream come down the stairs and give Rotten Rob a piece of her mind. Wish she would stand up to her dreadful daughter as well – “I have a kid” – oh you have remembered Amy have you when it suits?

    Cooling off award: Hm I can see its beginning to dawn on Ryan that life with a small child restricts you. What’s the betting that Katie will be back with the Ginger Whinger within the month? Although do any of us really care?

    Pointless character of the week award: Gloria – really what exactly is she doing there, she is like a spare part in the Rovers wandering about aimlessly in that ridiculous wig trying to make meaningless conversation. Sue: you are a great actress – there must be roles out here that would make far far better use of your talents.

    Confusing the kids award: Poor Asha and Aldi – one minute Karl is sharing their house and bed with their mother having ruined their parents marriage, the next she is dead and Karl is turning up for dinner with their father with another strange expressionless lady dressed in beige. That dinner was extremely bizarre.

  2. Recycle comments: Frosty the Snowman

    Excellent blog: Llifon with Even side of the street

    Tell it as it is: Niblick

    Excellent perspective: Nic Richards for In Praise of Stella Price, again

    Interesting awards giver: TVOR

    Creative with words: Flaming Nora

  3. Idiot anonymous award: as above

  4. Kaw Liga award..Ryan..any more wooden and they'll be hanging coats off of him!

    Agree..Jenna has to find a professional job or open her own Physio.

  5. Character they brought in for a particular storyline who they now don't know what to do with award: Jenna in a joint award with Mandy and Gloria

    Character who sorely needs a storyline soon award: Sean - I think he had three lines all week (Anthony Cotton must either spend a lot of time in the green room or on holiday)

    Cheer up love it might never happen award: Leanne, who's started to look like she drinks vinegar for breakfast

  6. 'Time you were going' award: The Price family. Can we really get through another year?

    'Just doesn't work' award: Jenna and Sophie. Brooke Vincent's signed another contract; please don't sign up the other actor.

    'Pointless person' award: Ryan, Rob, Paul. Tptb made the right decision about Paul so let's hope they see the light about the other two.

  7. I commented at the time on how great it was to see the return of the daft conversation at the bar of the Rovers'. Owen and Steve did it proud.

    May there be may more.

  8. Why is everyone down on Sophie and Jenna, but high on Sally? It's a triple-act isn't it?

  9. I think dear its because although Sally can be a cow she is a long term character pretty well played by Sally Dynevor. Sophie is an annoying character played by a mumbling mediocre actress and Jenna - well a pointless grinning idiot. They are not a 'triple act' either as you put it but people in their own right.
