Sunday 3 March 2013

Your Corrie heroes and villains of the week

It's time to discuss our Corrie heroes and villains from the past week. It's been yet another eventful week in Weatherfield, although when have we ever seen a quiet one? Some interesting performances and plot developments this week so plenty for us fans to get our teeth into!

So here goes. If you had to pick one Coronation Street character who you particularly love at the moment and one you particularly hate, who would they be? Only one each please, and remember I am asking for characters, not actors! 

My heroine of the week has to be the deliciously awful, Doris Babbage. Helen Fraser was an absolute delight as the barnstorming Doris, and in my opinion completely nailed her character, which considering her limited screen time in one episode, was quite a feat! 

Doris brightened up the aftermath of the Eric storyline no end. The dialogue was sharp and funny and she definitely had potential to be a great classic Corrie character. She is my heroine mainly for playing Gloria at her own game, coming out on top and making Glo see sense. Here's hoping this is a turning point for Gloria and we see a softer side emerge in the weeks to come. Personally, I'd love to see Doris return. I think she would make a wonderful Rovers Return landlady.

So now we come to my villain of the week. I was very tempted to make Karl Munro the villain of the week, however as I know there is more to come from him, we'll leave him be for now. I'm just glad they are giving John Michie something to do at last! Anyway, my villain of the week is Julie Carp. She has really started to grate on my nerves over the Tyrone business. How could she be so stupid? What kind of friend is she? 

She has known Tyrone and Fiz for years but still sides with the unhinged, deranged Kirsty regardless. I never thought I would turn against Julie - maybe her association with half-sister Eileen has turned her bad? I cannot wait for the truth to come out, as it will, and I hope Julie, Eileen and the rest are made to grovel and eat large slices of humble pie. Who needs friends like these?!

So let's have your Corrie hero(ine) and villain(ess) from the past week in Weatherfield. I'm off to start the Bring Back Doris Babbage campaign. Antigua's gain is most definitely Weatherfield's loss! 

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  1. Hero: Roy, for standing up to Tyrone.

    Villain: Gold-digger Gloria, for putting on an act when Eric died. I'm glad that Doris got the lot! :)


  2. Royston was indeed magnificent, as usual!

  3. I agree with your hero for that same reason. *holds up 'We Want Doris' sign*

    My villain of the week is Sean. He kinda grated on my nerves when he told everyone about Paul's Monty Python stripping thingy. Kinda out of order and embarrassing.

  4. Hero...Lloyd trying to make things right for Mandy and getting a face-full of ashes for his was funny. can just see him sliding into desperation...such a good actor.


  5. Joseph, I totally agree with you about Sean, it was embarrassing to watch!

  6. That's why Sean has to go his only use seems to be spilling the beans on everyone.
    I can't wait till he overhears Sally saying something about Kylie and watch the fireworks when he spreads it all over the Street.
    He's a nasty character with no redeeming qualities.

  7. Aw Don't be too harsh on Julie. Put yourself in her shoes - you hear that a woman has been knocked around by her husband, do you a) disbelieve her straight away or b) realise that you don't know what goes on behind closed doors and even people you know could be abusers. Given that the vast majority of victims of domestic violence are women, you'd have to go with b)


  8. I take your point Ginger Beer, but I still don't like her new-found snooty attitude

  9. It's being the headmaster's paramour as has done for her! She's no better than she should be

    *stops channelling Ena Sharples*

  10. Julie is particularly irritating right now and definitely spending much too much time with snooty Brian. However, Sean is frequently embarrassing on screen these days and should quickly leave the Street for a career dancing and singing to the old folks!


  11. Haha! I could see Sean going off to be a bingo caller on a cruise ship!

  12. Hero = Roy for being the voice of reason with the bitches re: Tyrone.

    Villain = sour-faced Gail. This week and for the foreseeable future it would appear.

    Runner-up villain = Gloria. What a shrew! Hated her 1st entry on the Street; hate her this time around too. Conniving old witch.

    ~JB in Canada
