Sunday 3 March 2013

Gail's conundrum

Gail's on the warpath. She knows a secret so big, it's got secrets of its own. Problem is, it'll destroy what little is left of her family.

She might be able to get rid of one, even both of the daughters-in-law she hates but if neither son will speak to her ever again, or indeed, if one of them will throw her down the stairs again, is it worth telling the secret?

Yes, Gail's in a sticky spot. The horns of a dilemma. A conundrum to be sure.

I've had a think about it, and here's my take on it including how I think it could come out in the end. I'm loving the storyline and wait with bated breath to see how it's all going to come out.

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  1. I agree it's a great story for Gail - I can't see how any of them can come out of it well mind you. Time will tell!

  2. One person who doesn't know yet is Audrey and if it all comes out in to the open, she will certainly spill the beans about Ian. I could see that Leanne would forgive Nick, making it evens stevens between them. David might even forgive Kylie if the baby proves to be his. I'd love to see the 'kids' united and Gail's poison has nowhere to go.

  3. If Corrie tries to reflect real life then the secret should never come out. Many families, including mine I'm sure, have got secrets that have been kept for years and have never been revealed. Some take secrets to the grave. What could happen is at Gail's funeral (whenever that will be) that David finds a letter from her stating the truth!

  4. I reckon David will find out but the baby will be his and so he'll take Kylie back. However Leanne won't be so understanding and it will throw her into the open arms of Peter.

  5. Maybe Gail should just go away. Therefore, she can't tell anyone the secret and I won't have to look at her stone face.

  6. Gail loves having this secret. It's just another way for her to keep grips on her sons. And I still find it creepy. It's beyond "apron strings". Ugh. And until that baby comes, we're gonna have to put up with her sour face, her angst, her batting eyes, her whispery voice.

    She won't leave well enough alone, that's for sure. It's not in her to just shut up.

    ~JB in Canada

  7. Frosty the Snowman4 March 2013 at 08:20

    Had quite enough of Gail in the past few months, that sour face is enough to put you off your tea. Of course it will all come out, secrets are not kept in soap land. I would be quite happy if she were written out for a bit.
